Miscarriage anxiety

So I believe I am around 7+4 with my first ever pregnancy. I’ve never had any children before and never had a miscarriage before. I have this crippling anxiety that I’m going to miscarry and it’s consuming my life, I’m not sleeping properly and can’t focus on anything else. I believe I have endometriosis and I haven’t really had any pregnancy symptoms so I’m not sure if that is making it worse and I’m going for an early scan on Saturday for a little bit of peace of mind. If the scan comes back as the baby has not grown or no heartbeat then I don’t know what I’m going to do 😢. Is there anything I can do to stop this or any words of reassurance anyone can give me? Also, if the scan does say baby isn’t around what I thought does that mean I’m going to miscarry? Any help would be really appreciated 😢
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The anxiety through pregnancy is tough , take each day by day , honestly try not to worry about it if you haven’t got any reason to suspect it , not everyone has symptoms , if your dates are off it doesn’t mean you’ll miscarry , my dates with my first pregnancy were quite far off and I have a nearly 2 year old now

Thank you, no one talks about how hard it is and I think because I have nothing to read about it or reassure me it’s making it worse! X

I had a similar feeling with both of my pregnancies and I have 2 healthy babies carried to full term. I was worried that my worry might even be the thing that causes a miscarriage or still birth but clearly it did nothing other than stress me out. I did the same and got an early scan this time round, in the short term it caused more stress because they found a swelling on the baby and the potential diagnosis was terrifying. But we had another scan a week later and the swelling had gone. So bear in mind if there’s anything unusual at the scan, it can simply be cause things are too early to tell. There’s an app called Hello Belly which has some birth meditations and also it’s got info on what stage your baby is at every day, so maybe that’d help you focus on the joy rather than the fear

I was like this at the start of my pregnancy, I had my early reassurance scan and felt fine for a few days. Then the anxiety came back. Then I had my 12 week scan and the anxiety subsided and then came back again in the wait to my 20 week scan. I’m 29 weeks now and I still get anxiety when she has quiet days! Pregnancy is fucking tough!! My mum told me that the constant worrying doesn’t go away when they get here but it’s just your maternal instincts and wanting to protect them shining through, they’ll be okay and so will you! It’s hard but the end result will be so worth it, I’m a first time mum too and if you want someone to ask any questions to as you progress please do feel free to message me!xx

Hi lovely just wanted to say that I felt exactly the same as you. I ended up having a few early scans for reassurance and as I had twins I got scanned every month too so that helped. I had a helpful chat with a midwife who said she felt exactly the same during her pregnancies and so many women do as it’s such a big deal and you naturally just want everything to be ok and this is completely natural. I think we live in a social media world where everyone is portrayed to be really enjoying their pregnancies etc and not everyone is like that. I don’t think I really breathed a sigh of relief until they were born ok and I think many women are the same. That being said if you’re really struggling with anxiety pls flag it to your midwife as there’s antenatal anxiety courses etc that might help. Xxx

Thank you everyone for all of your support this is so reassuring 🥹 xx

I am so sorry you’re going through this, feeling the exact same way. I get a scan every 2 weeks and I did with my first pregnancy too. Monitoring growth is the biggest reassurance you can get and even a month between scans can feel like a lifetime! In terms of miscarriage, two things to take into account: 1. If you have a successful scan around 8 weeks, your chances of a successful pregnancy are 98% which is super high!! Big big milestone! 2. If for any reason something bad will happen, believe me I’ve been there, we are stronger than we know. We survive anything! I’ve done therapy after my miscarriage and before my first successful pregnancy, and the therapist told me this: the human brain always goes into the worst case scenario as a defense mechanism, but the outcome is rarely as bad as we pictured. So technically we have no use to worrying because most likely things are gonna be good, and even if they aren’t, worrying sick won’t help! Give your baby all the positive energy ♥️♥️

Thank you. It would be so nice to have scans that often but works out so costly. Wish the NHS would offer more! Praying we get to the 8 week milestone. Every week feels like a lifetime. X

I know it’s so expensive!! I found a place in south London that “only” charges £50, and after 3 scans the 4th is free! keep looking for cheap places and good luck ♥️♥️

Thank you so much xx

@Veronica hiya, whats the same of the place? Currently having the same anxiety as this mum to be but regular scans are expensive!

Peek a baby in Mitcham!! Takes me ages to arrive but for the price it’s SO WORTH IT https://www.peek-a-baby.co.uk

I was 7+4 when I had my reassurance scan and could see the baby and had a strong heartbeat (this was after 2 previous losses). It's hard but try not to think about it too much and stay positive by looking after yourself and doing things you enjoy to keep your mind off it. If it goes well which I'm sure it will you will be able to relax a bit and enjoy it more

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