@Abi thank you so much for this xx
Friends had it and they LOVED it. Especially when LO is poorly (they’re in Thailand and were so grateful for it to monitor LOs temp). They actually offered us to borrow it, but they’ve swishing over the next few days for their second to arrive. We’ve had no current reason to want or need it. But I’m sure some babies would allow the parents that peace of mind
I need to spell check before I send stuff. When they’re in Thailand* *they’re expecting *
We love ours!! Just gives you that reassurance.
We have it and love it! It definitely made us less stressed and we sleep easily knowing she’s being monitored. And I was one of those moms that was so overly concerned about SIDS (like to an excessive level), and this at least brings me a lot of comfort and hope that I would know if something was wrong. I would just say make sure it’s working because we’ve found a few times that it didn’t appear to be syncing or had issues with wifi and we didn’t find out until the middle of the night. So now I make sure I pull it up on my phone every day when I put her down to sleep at night. Also the loud beeping can be quite annoying sometimes when it’s having connectivity issues. Sometimes it can keep going off for a good 5-10 minutes (or more) at a time, but that’s rare (maybe twice a month).
Thanks everyone for this c
Loved it! It was so reassuring and also when my son was 1 and got a nasty virus I was able to show the dr’s a weeks raised heart rate and they took me seriously. You’ll panic the first time the alarm goes off when you’ve put it on wrong 😂