My little one loves to fo what I for she always wants to copy me. So when doing the laundry I let her get it out thr machine and ask her to help me with cleaning. She loves it I give her a cloth and a small spray bottle she thinks she's helping me when I'm cleaning. I bough mine a cleaning set when for Christmas so she can "help when i do housework. This keeps her entertained and whole we do this we sing nursery rhymes or make a song out of everything
My little one likes going through the kitchen cupboards. Taking everything out, seeing what goes together, stacking and unstacking things. Pretending to mix things together. When I'm in the kitchen cooking or whatever she sits at my feet spreading the contents of the cupboards all over the floor. Doesn't take too long to clean up and she is sometimes more than happy to help tidy up after anyway
Thanks for your suggestions ladies 😌 I’ll try all of these xx
Silly games really. Chasing around. I'm gonna get you! Put on my shoulders and squat to the up and down song by Ms Rachel (I sing it its not screen time). Pretend to eat them. Pretend the puppet in the book is going to eat or lick them or is Panting like a dog in their ear. Put random things on as a hat on you or them (colander, box for blocks, pillow). With blocks we build towers which he then topples down and today he built his own tower to topple. Yes loading unloading washing and hanging laundry. He would love to wash up so I just let him bang the brush in the sink. I let him squeeze the bubbles out of the sponge counting down to 5 and then I take it away as I know any longer and he would put it in his mouth 😄 he seems to accept the countdown its better than not being allowed to hold it at all. Teach skills like putting on clothes and blowing on recorder Play instruments. Practice banging drum to the beat of the song playing. Copy each others movements. Make silly faces. Blow raspberries, still a hit.
My toddlers current obsession is the sink. He asks to ‘wash his hands’ constantly and will want to splash about for ages. Once I run out of ways to keep him entertained i usually give him a few cups/containers and let him play in the sink, it usually entertains him for a good 15/20 minutes. Although I don’t even want to know what it’s doing to my water bill 😅 can’t wait until it gets warmer so he can play with a water table outside