From potty training and tantrums to foods and activities, we’ve got you. Read stories from real women about raising toddlers and discover our expert advice on development, activities, behavior, and more.
I’m 26 weeks pregnant & was suddenly admitted in hospital since Friday night as I had heart palpitations & low baby movements. I’ve been kept at the hospital to monitor baby heart rate & movements. Initially when I was called in hospital, it was for my blood pressure & blood to be taken as they found protein in my u...
My husband has a coworker that he always comes home and talks about. This was a daily thing- it’s a female coworker- he just constantly would go on about her and it made me feel uncomfortable- finally after months i told him it made me uncomfortable. He said they were just coworkers and we did have a fight about it ...
How early is acceptable to let you toddler play outside in the garden (neighbours both side) one side has children 10yrs plus and the other side doesn’t have small children! My little one loves playing outside and now the weather is getting nicer just wondering peoples thoughts on how early is too early 😆 As a…
What's everyone's giving their 9 month old for lunch? I feel like all she eats is sandwiches n weetabix 🤣
Hiii please help! I started weaning my girl as soon as she turned 6 months. We have been weaning for 3 weeks. Sleep has never been great she’s always woken up to feed in the night. However since weaning she’s waking up crying, arching back, pulling legs up and lots of gas throughout the night! She’ll trump a few tim...
When my MIl is talking to my baby she refers to me with my name and not as mummy. Everyone else is called granny, granda and daddy but I get called by name and it really stings! My baby is starting to pick up words so I don’t want her to be confused. Am I being too sensitive or is it disrespectful?
And does not like discussing the problem afterwards once he has calmed down. Sometimes he will say f you/f-in b*tch once he leaves the room but loud enough that I can hear it. Other times he’ll point in my face. This doesn’t happen often. Maybe once a month. He always apologises afterwards, and feels bad about it. ...
I feel I’m not in love with my partner anymore since having our son. I don’t want my partner touching me sex is a huge no for me I’m just not interested in doing that with him. I ask for help around the house and he says he already does too much. He does the bare minimum takes the bins out when I ask. He will cook d...
(Please be nice i am a first time mom) I am at a loss right now, my daughter refuses any vegetables and only wants fruit or junk food. If it has vegetables in it she will chuck it across the room. Austism runs heavily in my family, affecting myself, my little brother, and my mother, giving us texture sensitivity and...
Hey y’all.. here to vent and get some suggestions on how to co-parent with an ex. So lately, my baby daddy has been sleeping over to take care of the baby. I feel like he doesn’t put in effort or love into our little girl because she will non-stop crying when he holds her. So I supervise for that reason (and other r...
What are you all feeding baby for breakfast that is just starting to wean? I don’t want to do porridge every day as it’s boring but also he’s only just being introduced to flavours so don’t want to do anything too elaborate as I’m only doing taster foods throughout the day. So far he seems to be loving it! 🤞🏼 Any…
Is anyone else just keep getting so wound up and contemplating leaving ur husband. I love him as a husband, I knew the man he was and I thought becoming a father would change some of his selfishness. It was ok I could deal with it before but as a father it just isn’t right/ideal. I want to say that he does do stuff...
What do mums do with their child who is potty trained at home/local distances in places that there’s no toilets eg a park If i was to get a travel potty to use, where do people go with privacy quickly & dispose of it? Any advice is welcome
My 8 month old took a piece of sugar cookie out of my toddler hand eat it will she be okay
My fiance and I break up so much. Starting to think 🤔 we just need to be done ✔️ I love him but I allow him to cross my boundaries so much
My lo is currently being looked after by grandparents when I go to work and also a day at nursery. But when I go back to work next time, I really need her in nursery more as she’ll be closer to school age and can’t really have 2 separate drop offs. This makes me feel guilty as I feel she’s benefitted being with gran...
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