Child Development

Your babe is not so little anymore! From potty training to teething, we’ve got you. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.

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Extra clingy

Is anyone else’s LO going though an extreme clingy phase?? Last 2 days I can’t even go to the toilet without telling her or asking if she wants to come because if she sees I’m gone she gets HYSTERICAL 😩. She’s fine and well, sleeping and eating well but I do think back molars are coming in…



Would you say this looks like his bottom tooth is coming in?


Potty training, struggling with pants

Hi all, my lb has nailed using potty (for wees at least) with nothing on. But whenever he has pants on, he doesn't use the potty at all. Where to go next?


teething tips?

so my little guy is currently teething he's got 3 molars coming in and one front tooth and I don't know what to do he refuses to use teethers and just wants to chew on my finger all the time I need advice or honesty just someone to tell me it will be okay and pass🤣😭


How did your LO behave the days leading up to their first teeth coming in ?

My LO has been teething for so long, however the past week his symptoms have peaked and his bottom gums along the top look quite white. What were the everyone’s experiences the days leading up to the teeth coming in ? Really hope any day now !


Martial arts

Hi there, I took my little one to a martial arts free trial. Unfortunately, she didn't want to take her shoes off or join in with the other children. She wanted to go home and was saying no, which embarrassed me. It was her first time seeing this, but it would be good for her confidence, self-defense, and discipli...


Day 3 potty advice

She hasn't had a wee on the potty. She is choosing to do it in her pants (which is fine) or she having a few droplets in the potty. But I believe she is holding her wee in. She's gone 5 hours without any accidents but she has been drinking various fluids in between. We decided to go out and I put a nappy on. At th...


Potty Trained

Is your little one Potty Trained?



How did everyone get their dummy’s off of their little one? My girls coming up three and I feel like it’s time. We tried to stop using them a few months ago but with potty training and getting a new sibling and her dad moving in with us after him leaving the army we realised she just wasn’t ready. We’ve limited her ...


Could this be thush?

I noticed the front white spot/sore a couple days ago(i just started giving bm again), I thought it was milk but I tried cleaning her tongue a few times and its not coming off just getting worse. Any idea? And yes I'm going to the dr in the morning


Pees in his underwear

We have been potty training for a while. But the one this is he does fantastic when he doesn’t wear anything and goes bare bottom. The moment I put underwear on him he pees and poops in them. I am wondering if he thinks they are diapers. The problem is he doesn’t care if he pees or poop in his underwear. He will be ...


What is the best thing for teething?

What can I use for teething? My little boy is 16 weeks and he is teething so so badly, he’s just cried for just over 2 hours non stop.. I tried everything, ashtons & parsons teething powder, cold dummy, teething toys from the fridge, my finger, a bath, rocking/cuddling, you name it! Nothing helped him what so ever…...


Potty trained?

Are your LO's potty trained?



Have your lil one started teething yet ? My boy drools a lot but cant see anything


Wee accidents constantly.

I started potty training my child as soon as she turned 2 in July 2024 and it took a few weeks. She then was trained and had no wee accidents at home. Now a few months later.. she is constantly having wee accidents. She tends to say that she needs a wee but will have already done it by this point. Sometimes I wonde...



Hi guys! My baby is 10 weeks old and seems to constantly be unsettled, we’ve tried everything to try settle her but sometimes it just isn’t enough. Can 10 week old babies be teething or is that too early?! She constantly has her fists in her mouth even after a full feed so unsure if this is a sign or if she’s just a...

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