Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.

Am I right to be offended?

Let me preface this by saying I do not judge you for being a SAHM. The following is about a specific individual, not my opinions on SAHM’s in general. Getting it out of the way in a case any offence is caused. A friend and I were having a conversation about my plans for when baby 2 arrives. I work full-time and e...


Argument over honey

Husband was making dinner this evening and put honey on some of the chicken. I said our 10 month old couldn’t have honey because it could make her really unwell. He said he didn’t put honey on all of the chicken and that she could just have the bits that didn’t have honey on it. I said that I’d just make her somethi...


do you get a lie in often? cause i dont 😢

i am a stay at home mum of 2.5 years. Husband works mon-fri 9:30-5:30pm (with LOTS of breaks) i very very rarely get to lie in. every single day i am woken up at 7am (ish) by my toddler. i do all day with said toddler, do bedtime with toddler & then spend a few hours with husband before going to bed. i also do 99...


MIL calls me by my name when speaking to my baby

When my MIl is talking to my baby she refers to me with my name and not as mummy. Everyone else is called granny, granda and daddy but I get called by name and it really stings! My baby is starting to pick up words so I don’t want her to be confused. Am I being too sensitive or is it disrespectful?


Baby rice/ Porridge for 3 month old

Hi all, I need some advice please, my little boy is 14 weeks old (so 3 months) and he still screams out for more food after giving him a bottle, he has 8oz every 2-3 hours, but my health visitor hasn’t been much help at all . Please can someone say they’ve been in my position and they have given their little one eit...


4 yearl old behaviour

Is this normal behaviour? Whenever my daughter meets her friends at the park she always goes to thena and ask if she can come to their house. And she knows where one of her friends live and says that she wants to go to this friends house. I have now told her that it is remade to ask to go to their house and we only ...


Have to get rid of my rabbits 😔

So for context we own a fair amount of land, I’ve wanted rabbits since I was little, I’m now 28 and pregnant with our second baby. I’m more live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of life and he is more logical - I’ve put on held all of my dreams for nearly 5 years, I’ve settled into a great career and finally find ...


Foodie Baby

I’m so proud of my 9.5 month old, she will eat anything that I put in front of her and recently I gave her a bit of avocado on some bread for her first taste and she absolutely demolished it 😁🥰


Anyone else stopped loving their partner since having a baby?

I feel I’m not in love with my partner anymore since having our son. I don’t want my partner touching me sex is a huge no for me I’m just not interested in doing that with him. I ask for help around the house and he says he already does too much. He does the bare minimum takes the bins out when I ask. He will cook d...


Getting 7m old to take a dummy…

My son has started to suck his thumb A LOT and especially associates it with sleeping. I have an almost 4 year old who sucked her thumb all the time and it was hell trying to get her to stop (only stopped last year as the dentist told her her teeth were crooked) I am DESPERATE to get my son to take a dummy but he w...


Playing at the park and an incident happened

So my little boy has only turned 2 in February and we where playing at the park and he pulled a little boys hair waiting to go down the slide and the mum said you hit back when that happens ( also he didn’t hit the wee boy ) so I was raging and shouted he is only 2 he doesn’t know and I do tell him off for that beca...


Has anyone separated from their partner since having their little one? 😔

It’s now been 2 years since having our beautiful girl but our relationship is failing miserably. He’s a great dad, but he is such an angry person. Keeps shouting at me which is becoming more frequent. Telling me I’m not fun anymore because I’d rather have a cup of tea in the evening than something alcoholic. He told...



My fiance and I break up so much. Starting to think 🤔 we just need to be done ✔️ I love him but I allow him to cross my boundaries so much


How would you react? 14 w/o

My 14 week old has been incredibly unsettled, not sleeping, lots of crying. I’ve felt really low unable to work out how to help him or make him happier. After an emotional chat with my husband about it all this morning, he took the baby for a few hours to give me a break. When he got home, he said he took him to his...


Baby breakfast ideas

What are you all feeding baby for breakfast that is just starting to wean? I don’t want to do porridge every day as it’s boring but also he’s only just being introduced to flavours so don’t want to do anything too elaborate as I’m only doing taster foods throughout the day. So far he seems to be loving it! 🤞🏼 Any…


if you have over 50k in savings, would that be sufficient to leave your husband because relationship did not work out? We have tried everything but it is mot working

We are thinking to separate/ divorce. We have savings that we will of course divide, I will have over 50k in savings will that be enough beside me working full time? This questions might sounds crazy/ stupid for maybe many of you, but I am nervous anxious and stressed by thinking that it will be all me with the ...


Potty training when outside

What do mums do with their child who is potty trained at home/local distances in places that there’s no toilets eg a park If i was to get a travel potty to use, where do people go with privacy quickly & dispose of it? Any advice is welcome


Am I the a**hole?

Am I the asshole for not wanting intimacy with my partner? We have intimacy 2-3 times a week but now that my baby is taking less naps during the day and my only time to relax and have my “me time” is at night when the baby is sleeping. But here comes my partner ready to get it on and I just don’t have the energy or ...


Am I being unreasonable?

So we were invited out last minute today by my partners family as it’s his dad’s birthday this week and they asked if we’d like to join them for a birthday meal. My little boy usually goes to bed at 6pm but the last few days it’s been a bit earlier and he’s been getting sleepy at 5-5:30pm. We agreed to go assuming i...


Should I add sprinkles to the white section of wall in my 3 year olds bedroom?

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