The GTT isn’t an invasive test. You’re better off knowing if you have it or not as if you do baby will need some extra scans and monitoring. If it hasn’t shown up already then it likely won’t anyway lovely 🩷 I’ve got GD but wouldn’t know baby would have to come out early for her safety if I didn’t know :)
I didn’t have GD in my first pregnancy, and have developed it in my second! 😅. The test is absolutely fine, the drink isn’t the nicest, but it’s over quickly! Xxx
I wouldn’t go out of your way to try and alter the results of any tests. I understand that people do not love the idea of the GTT, due to the fasting and couple of blood tests, but it is a very important thing to know! Just because you did or didnt have GD in a previous pregnancy, doesn’t mean that you don’t in this one, and if you do it’s super important to know that and monitor it ❤️