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When’s best (in your opinion) to have your next baby? Grow up together or have a big age gap? I’m 30 and had my first baby 5 months ago, bearing in mind I had a miscarriage 2023 and know not everything runs smoothly, when would you try again? Comments on your story welcome 🙏🏽 do you have regrets about doing earlier/waiting a little bit?
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For my life, I want my second ba y at 30 after my first at 21

I have a 3 year old and an 8 week old, and for me, it's perfect. My little girl is so helpful and she absolutely adores her baby brother, she also attends nursery 4 afternoons a week so it means that I get to spend that one on one quality time with my baby too, me and my little girl also still do things just the two of us I think it's important that she still gets that one on one time with me and with her dad. I think i would've struggled with a close age gap with x2 times everything, like nappies and feeding, potty training the list goes on, my LO is at an age now where she's in a really good bedtime routine, fully toilet trained both day and night, can play independently and she sings to him, reads him stories if he's upset she really settles him when she sings baby shark to him 🥰

Let your body repair a bit first! You're only 5m pp!! You should give your body at least a year to recover.

im a big believer in destiny and going where the wind takes you. but im not a planner per say. my life is not perfect however im the type to take everything for what its worth and trusting the process... with that being said... go with your heart. my boys have a huge age gap nothing was planned, there have been tears, laughter pain and happiness and i wouldnt change anything. if i have more so be it, if i dont ..i dont. i understand its important to factor in things like finances but i dont feel that should be a driving force to determine all lifes choices. i will say that it would have been nice for my teen to have a sibling growing up but it wasnt in the books.

I have 17 months between by babies and wish in future I will wait closer to the 2 year mark! Somewhere between 2 and 4 is nice I think

3-4 years is the age gap I would go for if all goes to plan. Unfortunately also just had a MC

I had my first at 30 (a week before turning 31) and will have my second almost exactly 2 years later. Babies will be 2 years and 1 month apart, and for my first born’s personality, I wouldn’t have wanted to do it any sooner. I’m in my 30’s now, so my clock is ticking to build our family, but my first needed all that 1:1 time without a sibling

Still pregnant with my first but I was thinking to give ourselves a year after baby comes before trying for number 2, but of course will see how I feel after baby is here!

My two are exactly 12 months 4 days apart. I love it so much and already want number 3 😂 planning on waiting 3/4 years after number 3 though 🤣

I have a 1 year old and a 4 week old, it’s hard but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done x

I had my first at 30, about to have my second now at 32 with a 2 year 4 month age gap between the kids. Really glad we waited as my toddler has entered a stage now where he understands a lot and is very helpful, he loves to do things to help me and bring me stuff and it’s been useful while pregnant and will be useful when baby comes. He’s also a lot less clingy than he was aged 18-24 months! Another benefit as well is it’s given me time to fully potty train him, he even takes off his trousers, so when he needs to go he takes himself off to the potty 😊 so only 1 child in nappies and I won’t have to potty train the toddler with a baby to take care of!

My first son is 10 my second born is 8 third born is 4 and youngest are 1 year in 2 weeks I will say 3/4 year gap is good age my son was 2 when my daughter was born and in time he like to help me to feed her etc ❤️

My gap is pretty big between 8months- 14yr old 😐 Never expected to wait this long,but kinda just Happened 🫣 I thought it would be easier since my oldest is in high school, but it was pretty hard those first few months with just the 3 of us.

I was the last and my closest sibling is 5 years older. We’re not very close unfortunately because we were at such different parts of our lives growing up.

Age gap between 1st and 2nd will be 6yrs! I always said 5yrs because you get some 1-1 time with the new baby while the older one is at school. I’m one of 3. Me and middle sister at 15months apart and me and little sister are over 3.5yrs apart. My partner would have preferred 1 - 2yrs apart because in his eye 16/18yrs would be over together and we would get our lives back. Which fair enough to that thinking but he’s not the one giving birth and staying at home with them x

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My kids are exactly 2.5 years apart and so far it's been great. I know its still early to say because the oldest is 3 and potty trained and great sleeper and great communicater, and the baby is now 7 months, so it hasn't been that long but my kids are obsessed with each other and the oldest is so helpful and doting.

Age 3 and potty trained/able to fully understand is definitely the sweet spot but that said there are no rules!

I think that if you would do 2 years in between the kids, they'll be close enough with age to have an amazing bond plus it won't be too difficult for you as a mum.

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