Just had my February little one two days ago, don't worry, you're going to do great! Most L&D nurses are the nicest people ever so they'll help you through the whole thing.
I was originally due 2/7 and was induced at 37w on 1/18 for sudden onset of gestational hypertension. My husband was similarly like “don’t worry. It’ll be fine” as if that helps 😂 Giving birth is hard but you’re capable of doing hard things and no matter what, it will be over in a day or two and you’ll have your sweet baby in your arms. As Beth said, all the L&D nurses are sooo sweet and helpful and they’ll make sure you and babe are just fine. You’ve got this!
I also highly recommend looking up positive birth affirmations and repeating them to yourself out loud every time you start to have fear/nervous thoughts about labor. I have general anxiety and my therapist also recommended switching thought patterns. So every time I start to get a “worst case scenario” or fearful thought, I reroute the thought to “but what is the best case scenario?” And i envisioned my baby in my arms. Nervousness is normal and unavoidable but this helped me a lot
I had a pretty positive induction with my first ! Your body was made for this, trust your body and baby!! And you are so close to meeting your baby. Drink your red raspberry leaf tea , eat your dates and get your freak on lol. Also keep your body moving. Visualize your self and how you will feel after getting to hold your baby 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
If a nurse isn’t your vibe, request a new one! You deserve to feel safe and comfortable in your birth environment. Go follow Jen Hamilton on TikTok of IG she is a L&D nurse and her content is so helpful.
Will pray for you Everything will work out 🙏
Get the book “Supernatural Childbirth” 🫶🏼 it’s on Audible. It has helped me to overcome fear so much! There’s other things you can do too, like The Miles Circuit which can induce labor.