Maybe speak to citizens advice in regards to any universal credit you can get? It’s not just childcare that you can get! I hope your start feeling better soon, I know the feeling xx
Can your partner do extra shifts? Maybe a second job? Have you applied for universal credit? Have you used your 10 keeping in touch days at work ? Apparently, you can work up to 10hrs a week without going back to work.
@Rachael Thank you, I hope so too x
@Anna I used a benefits calculator a while ago and it said I wasn't entitled to anything. I get child benefit. I feel bad living off that as I'd always wanted to save it for my little one. Thanks, I hope I do too x
@Ema He's talked about it so much but nothing. We don't currently live together. I don't believe I'm entitled to UC. Have to double check my policy but I don't think I can start using my 10 days till March when I'm not being paid mat pay anymore. I'm trying to look for another job I can do from home. Thank you so much for your suggestions x
I know how you feel, I feel exactly the same but at the end of the day if youre entitled the child benefit and it helps then why not! I used all three of the benefit calculators on the government website and they all gave me different answers but the ‘entitled to’ one gave me pretty much the same as citizens advice so I’d still recommend talking to them as they might be able to give you other options as I know some companies will look at your situation and offer different rates / discounts. Please try not to stress ☹️ if you need to talk to anyone you can always message me xxx
You should be entitled to UC if you and your partner aren’t living together. You’re then classed as a single parent. If you’re living with family and they claim UC and assuming you’re down as living there, they should already be getting a small deduction for an adult living there so your claim for UC wouldn’t affect their’s. If you’re not getting any income you should be entitled. Let me know if you want me to take a look at it with you.
If you don’t live together then you should be entitled to universal credit especially once you stop getting Mat pay. Best to ring universal credit or apply online. You can also ring citizen advice as they can do a quote for you over the phone.
I’m a single mum and as soon as I stopped getting my maternity pay I started getting UC and thankfully they helped towards my rent and give a child allowance as well as without it I’d have been homeless with my child after having to leave the dad and being unable to stay with family so it’s definitely worth looking in to! When I was getting mat pay I wasn’t entitled to anything as I earned too much but once it went down to SMP that’s when I was entitled so it’s worth looking in to again and trying those calculators again! Only time you may not get it is if you’re living with family and they earn too much even though you don’t get any money from them sadly! I hope you manage to work it out it is so tough! Xx
Thank you all so much. I wasn't expecting a response, just needed to get it off my chest cos I www feeling so awful and ashamed It made me cry at how lovely you are all taking time to advise me and offer to chat. I'll check out the benefits side of things again maybe I'll be entitled to something now I'm on smp xx
Have you made sure you are getting everything you are entitled to? Maybe call the various companies and ask to be given a few months grace period? Some may!
Maternity pay is shocking in this country, sadly. Definitely look into UC and whether there is any help. I had to go back to work after 5 months because my enhanced mat pay ended, and I couldn't afford to live on statutory maternity pay. It was hard for the first few weeks, but we're into a routine now, and my son loves his childminder. If you have to go back to work, it will be ok. Hope you manage to avoid going back early but just in case, I wanted to give you some reassurance x
Money troubles are tough… sending you lots of love and strength. I hope it will work out for you soon x