I’m sure it’s fine for some kids but not all of them. I’m glad it works for your family tho! https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/04/cover-kids-screens
Your anecdotal experience sounds great for you and your family!
Well here comes folks being rattled by this. Everyone should do what’s best for their family. I’m glad your two year old is doing great.
My 2 year old is also ahead in so many areas. I would say she is gifted. She has screen time since she was very little but mostly educational stuff. Now it's a mix of that and pretty much anything disney lol. Music mostly. She loves to sing. Has an excellent memory. And she is very sweet and social. I will always allow her to have screen time as it's a part of life and this era we live in. When it comes time I will teach her how to use it moderately and to her advantage to help her get ahead in life. I'm also an advocate for AI when used intellectually and responsibly. It's how I earn a living. I also read an article once from a daycare teacher who said she had been watching kids for decades and could always tell which ones were and weren't allowed screen time. The ones who weren't were actually more distracted by the screens when they were used. My girly still would choose going outside over TV and I aim to keep it that way. But I will not beat myself up or give strict time limits. It's unrealistic.
I have educational, musical or Disney related shows all day long. He rather play with others and outdoors as much as he can. The most he'll watch TV is a movie for bed.
I think it all depends on the child. My toddler used to not care about tv and would rather play. Now at almost 3 throws tantrums wanting to watch or throws tantrums if we turn it off. Is glued to the show and not wanting to play. We watch educational and slow shows. But i find now that I am needing to limit due to behavior amd we have to have a talk and understanding about when the tv is turned off. So i think it depends on the child.
@Kadiatou we always have a tv going because I can’t stand the quite. But she started actually watching around 6-8 months. Her favorite was Oswald. Still is actually.
@Jen I love that for you guys!! I’m just tired of seeing moms being shamed for doing screen time. I hate it. People should do what’s best for their family and stop shaming parents who allow something different when it’s not harming their child.
@Shelley I understand every child is different and I’m not saying everyone should do Screen time I’m saying moms who do Screen Time shouldn’t feel guilty for doing so! That’s all that’s the point of the post.
Thank you for sharing this when did you start cuz my baby is 8 month and he watches ms Rachel from time to time how early did you begin