Feeling nervous about a second pregnancy with friends

Sounds really strange but, when I was pregnant with my first baby I had a close friend who was also pregnant and we were due very close together. And she hated me for the fact that I was pregnant at the same time as her and it made the majority of my pregnancy and first year PP very miserable as I was trying desperately to keep her as a friend but I could tell she resented me. Anyway, I cut her off. Moved on. I am now TTC for another baby and 2 of my friends are now pregnant (soooo excited for them I can’t wait) and they both like the idea of me falling pregnant too so we can have children the same age but I’m terrified that the same will happen again and I’ll be hated for ‘stealing the spotlight’ or something. Is this a normal thing to be worried about? Or am I just being silly..
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Real friends would never behave that way so if they’re real friends you won’t have to worry and if they aren’t, then it’s better now than later! 🤍

It sounds like you found some real ones after that crazy experience. I bet they would be excited to have you pregnant at the same time. It would be so fun!

Gosh I would have been elated if I could have been pregnant with my best friend. It makes sense that you’re worried about that because of your past experience but it sounds like you found a great group of ladies to share your experiences with.

being pregnant with a close friend is the best ever if they’re a true friend! this is my second pregnancy and my best friend and I’s babies are due 10 days apart and we are both so excited!! My son was born 6 days after another one of my best friends and it was amazing to have someone there post partum that was going through all the same things! if they’re true friends, it will be the best experience! i hope they’re just as happy for you as you are for them and you have a nice experience this time!

I cut off my best friend a couple of months after I had my twins, not because she was pregnant or anything like that, but because she wasn't a supportive friend. If a friend can't be happy for you and support you, they're not a good friend, it sounds like your 2 current friends are much better to be around xx

@Devon I was friends with these 2 before my pregnancy, I just had a baby first! They were super supportive as I am too of them. I don’t think they would act the same as that other old friend but I think cause I was so heartbroken over it I’d be worried still!

@Jessica yeah I definitely realised she wasn’t a true friend. It was really a horrible experience. I had so much love for her I was heartbroken when I came to terms that she is just faking being friends with me & truly didn’t like me anymore..

what a bizarre thing to be upset about. i would be happy for my friend and even more so if we were pregnant at the same time. im sorry that happened, like others said it sounds like you have better friends now and i get your worry bc of the past but if they are true friends they will be behind you 100% 🫶🏽

I'm so sorry you experienced this. It's definitely not something anyone should have to worry about. Thankfully it sounds like you have people in your life who are more supportive now.

@Kayla Thankyou, it was awful. Pregnancy is a vulnerable time anyway so feeling like I was hated for starting a family was really horrid. I’m glad I’ve got better people in my life now ♥️

@Mia it was really bizzare. And the behaviour carried on past pregnancy, she made everything a competition. Really thrashed my parenting etc. awful person really. I don’t know why I let it carry on for so long

I was pregnant at the same time as my SIL with both my pregnancies 😅 totally unintentional, but I’m happy she never felt put out because of my pregnancies. A mature woman wouldn’t do that. It’s not like you can just pick and choose exactly when you’re having a baby 😂

I was pregnant when one of my friends announced they were expecting too, then another announced shortly after I had baby. I was due March, then they were due August and November. I was super excited for them both and I love that our babies will grow up together.

Girl I LOVE having a pregnancy buddy. I was due 5 days before my sil (and our daughters were born the same day) then my other sil was due 6 weeks later and this time another friend is due 7 days before me. It is so fun. I'm sorry your "friend" ruined your fun. Trust your oregnant friends - I think most women would enjoy it

All 3 of my pregnancies have been with friends, my first was a miscarriage and my best friend felt really bad because she was able to have her son but I supported her and still do 7 years on because that’s how friends are supposed to be. My second was with a different friend and we were really supportive of each other but last year we were both pregnant at the same time again but my baby had a condition that she wouldn’t survive and that friend just kept rubbing in my face that her baby was so healthy and active throughout so I cut her off quite swiftly before our babies were even born but I have another friend who was pregnant last year aswell and she’s been lovely and caring That first friend you had was definitely not your friend but these friends who are excited for you and already live the idea of your babies being close sound like the ones you need 🙏

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Wow that’s crazy. Like 10 of my friends are pregnant right now same time as me and we’re all super excited and happy for each other!

@Anna yes so true! She thought I copied her.. but we were due less than a week apart so I couldn’t of done that even if I tried! 😂😂

@Carys that is how it should be!🫶🏼

@Anna👼👶👼👼 I had 2 cousins pregnant at the same time too, all babies born within 6 months. That was much nicer! But because we don’t live close together I didn’t feel as involved with them! So tried to cling to my ‘friend’ who didn’t want any of it!

@Zo that is really mature and kind hearted of you to still support even though you’ve gone through a horrible time. I’m sorry this happened to you. That friend sounds absolutely horrific & you’re definitely right to cut her off! It’s really awful how people compete during pregnancy’s and just don’t seem to care about others.. such a shame. x

Women should be supporting each other, this is a new group of friends so hopefully this will be a better experience second time round x

Seems like there’s no reason to think they’d change their attitude on you. You were hurt before, but that doesn’t mean the same thing will happen again!

My best friend and I were pregnant at the same time twice. The first time, we had 5 other friends pregnant, too. For my 3rd baby, I was pregnant with 3 of my cousins. Not a single one of them was mad. We were all happy to be sharing it together. That's normal. Whatever your friend was feeling was not normal and definitely a her problem, not a you problem. I would be grateful not to have wasted any more years being friends with such a narcissist.

@Elyse you’re so right. I’m glad that I’ve finally cut her off. It took until my baby was 1 year though. But I feel so much better without her in my life! She definitely has some unresolved personal problems to be acting that way..

My sil and one friend were pregnant at the same time as I was with my first, and I loved it, ready made friends for my son. I had my second baby in August, and 2 of my close friends should have had babies near to me (one a couple of months before, one 4 months after) and both lost their babies. It was really lonely this time, another friend had a baby in December so I now have another baby friend. I can't understand your ex friend's attitude. I would have loved to have gone through my last pregnancy with someone. Hopefully you'll have a better experience this time

@Lisa I really anticipated it to be lovely and I was so excited at first, but her vibes were just off from the start and eventually it clicked that she no longer liked me. It wasn’t nice, definitely hoping it won’t be like that this time round if I do fall pregnant at the same time as someone else! I can’t see why you couldn’t be happy for someone! x

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