you may not have ovulated first time round so your body is trying again - ovulation tests don’t confirm ovulation and some women have more than one peak occasionally, I would act on it just in case xx
@Sophie @Chloe thank you girls so much! ❤️
Could be pregnancy not yet visible on pregnancy test. When I ovulated I only had 2 days before the ovulation tests were going positive again and I was pregnant x
Also do you know your dpo? Mine came back positive with my pregnancies, it could be detecting hcg, what pregnancy test did you use? You need one with a high sensitivity of 10miu, if you used a standard test from a shop then they’d have a sensitivity of 25 which won’t detect a pregnancy early xx
@Sophie oh wow, thank you. I’m 10dpo rn. I have been using the cheaper tests so I’ll be sure to keep an eye out of what you mentioned. Thanks again x
@Fatima so when you did the test it was probably too early to detect on a test, I would take another xx
@Fatima the 10imu ones are usually tests that say "6 days early" on them ... good luck! 🙏💕
Could simply mean you’ve ovulated late this cycle orrrr fingers crossed you’ve caught an early positive on an ovulation test!😊