Testing Time for LH Surge

I had a miscarriage in January and am trying again but I was wondering when was a good time of day to test for LH surge. I have tested in the morning but found better results in the evening around 5ish. Any suggestions of what has worked for anyone.
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Twice a day. Once in the morning with second pee and then again in the late afternoon or early evening. 5ish like you said is good

Oh, if you’re using test strips I would also use Premom to scan them if you aren’t already

The instructions of the easy@home test strips that I use say to avoid fmu. I'll test twice a day usually and then 3 times a day in my suspected fertile window go really pinpoint the surge

I test once a day until it starts rising and then 2 or 3 times per day do I don’t miss peak. I test around 11am if I can so that if it starts rising I have more time to test again later. I can’t always test at the same time though some sometimes it 7am and sometimes it’s 7pm if I don’t have time at work. Even then it’s usually fine because I have a pretty good idea of when the testing is more likely to rise

Okay thank you guys soo much!!

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