Does your badgerapp not have the result? But yeah they told me if it’s positive I’ll have to come in to get instructions so probably that. Most likely you’ll be able to manage without medication so don’t be too worried!!
I was told to go in for my results which were negative. Sometimes they just call you in for results and to check in with you. My doctor wanted to see me each week 😂😂
You could ring midwives and ask? X
If it’s positive you will be given a fiver prick testing kit to test your blood sugars on a daily basis/ every other day basis. You input these into an app and if will be called back if you need medication. You get at least 1 extra scan and Apt with a consultant at around 36 weeks to discuss birth options etc.
It’s so hard to say as many people have pointed out different NHS trusts work differently with results even with notes. With my first (in london) I had badger app online notes and now I’ve moved house all my notes are paper and there is no app. I had GD with my first and the midwife actually called to tell me and make my appointments for the diabetic nurse etc. just because they’ve called you in doesn’t mean there’s is something wrong, may just be a follow up, o think you should be due a midwife appointment at 28 weeks anyway and if it’s your first baby they always like to see you a bit more anyway! You could always call then up or email and ask if you want to put your mind at rest!
So the likelihood is you have GD. You will get 2 extra scans 28weeks and 32/34 week. They have to go through a PowerPoint to tell you what you can and can’t eat xx