I’m going in for a growth scan this week as baby dropped his weight straight down on the scale. I didn’t know that you can get induced due to baby measuring small??x
Yes! He’s currently on 25th as of my last growth scan and they don’t want him below 10. I was induced with my last baby at 37 weeks because he was also measuring small! But he wasn’t ask small as they expected him to be x
@Jenny Hi! What are your baby’s body measurements if you don’t mind me asking? I’m in the exact same boat as you but his legs are measuring smaller than the rest of his body! (56mm at 31+5)
@Bec I've sent you a message
Yes, I'm on 4.8th. I'm being monitored weekly. I'm 32 weeks today. They told me if she carries on growing at this rate then they'll aim for 39 weeks, if she drops on the graph anymore or if I have any issues with the placenta/cord then they'll aim for 37 weeks. They said they would look to do a c-section unless I opted to be induced (I'm really hoping I can deliver naturally, so would rather try induction if I can) but they have warned me that smaller babies a lot of the time don't deal with contractions too well so if induced then I may end up having a section in the end anyway. I'm just keeping everything crossed for now 🤞🏻