
My daughter is nearly 7 months and I have just found out I am pregnant again, I know it’s going to be hard having 2 under 2 but any advice would be appreciated as I’m really scared it’s going to be way worse than people make out.
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I have 0 advice, but I will say.... You know more now, every baby is different, but you just managed 7 months with your first & learnt so much. You'll have a lot of the stuff you'll still need - for example, bottles, after 12 months your first won't need actual bottles, so you have those. You have clothes etc. also, when it comes to potty training etc, you can kinda do it all at once & have it done. It seems so scary, I agree, but you're going to be fine, believe in yourself, speak to your support system & set yourself up with support. But most importantly, congratulations

It’s easier in some ways and more difficult in others. There’s pros and cons to all age gaps. For example, you’re more used to the sleepless nights, so it’s not such a shock to the system being thrown back into the newborn days. Your baby will also be young enough that they will adjust to a new sibling much easier than if they were older. They will both be very dependent upon you at the same time, but you’ll be through that stage sooner and have 2 kids very close in age, making planning days out etc much easier! People manage with twins! (Or more!!) so it’s absolutely doable and you can do this! Good luck mama ❤️ And congratulations!

I have a slightly bigger age gap (one week shy of 20 months), now have a 2yr 3 month old and 7 month old. My advice is try not to worry about it- it won’t be as bad as you fear: I regret spending my whole pregnancy worrying about how I was going to manage, it is really hard and you need either a supportive partner or family/ childcare or both, but you do manage and actually although they are hectic my fave days are when I have them both. I actually now can’t imagine bringing a newborn home with my older daughter at this age, which is a more standard age to have a new baby, because she is far more difficult than she was at 20 months, more jealous etc. Pregnancy was tough and being heavily pregnant with a toddler is brutal , far harder than having a toddler and a newborn, but you will survive .

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