What do I do ? Co parenting issue ?
Our daughter ( 5yrs old ) has been invited to a birthday party
( friend from school ) 😊
It’s on Saturday coming up
Starts at 3pm and finishes at 6pm
It’s my ex’s weekend and I’ve got a feeling he won’t bother taking her to it
Cos he’ll more than likely say it’s too much driving about
Going from mine Friday night that’s when he collects her (6pm ) to his mums then back down Saturday for the party then back up to his mums then back down Sunday to drop her home
His mum lives 1 hours and 28 mins away from me & where the party is .
it would be nice for her to go it’s her 1st little invite from a friend at school
Plus mum has probably already paid for her to come
What do I do?
Ask if he’s willing to swap weekends so she can attend