I’m in the same boat! My first baby was born 9 weeks early! I went into hospital had him 3 days later scary time! I’m now on aspirin to prevent it happening again. They are more aware and keeping a closer eye on me this pregnancy. There is chance I could get it again. But I will have the support of the hospital. I have to have weekly appointments from my 3rd trimester. Currently in my second everything going well so far. If you have any worries I’m always here to chat 🩷
@Charlotte that’s amazing you have a mental health midwife! I am 15 weeks pregnant and I was referred to the mental health midwife at 8 weeks still not been seen or spoken too!! Jokers!
@Jen hey Jen sounds like we’re in the same boat! How many weeks are you now, I think I was so soon because I was already under the perinatal mental health team having therapy for birth trauma. Much better place obviously being pregnant with my second but the team do so much work with you so now it’s moved to more pregnancy support, may be an idea just to contact your community midwife team and ask them where your referral is up to and if they have a number for you to contact xx
I am now 15 weeks 5 days. I have a midwife appointment next week so I will bring it up again. I’m planning my life as though baby will be born at 31 weeks! Not ideal but I wanna be more prepared this time! I had an emergency C section and it was really nice I got to have my mum and my boyfriend with me I felt supported and I heard my baby scream soon as he arrived to the world so it took all the pain away. What your little one in hospital for long? Xxx
I’ve got the same this week full of appointments with consultants, I’m on aspirin too is that the only option to prevent it or take the edge off do you think? I am trying to exercise more with this pregnancy too and I’ve kept away from stressful situations in work too and they’re doing what they can to keep the stress to a minimum. I’d just really like to have a better experience this time round.. the labour part was fine but the hours/day leading to it was awful and I just really want to avoid it. Thank you for replying ladies nice to know I’m not on my own with this and if either of you need to talk to someone too I’m here :D x
@Jen feel free to private message me Jen I feel like we have very similar situation, I’m currently 16 weeks and 4 days, he was in NICU for a month, did really well all things considered, only issue was introducing him to bottle feeding which we wouldn’t let him home until he was off the tube, glad you had the support of family xx
@leah yes apparently the aspirin helps to prevent it, doesn’t always work but for me they’re hoping if anything it gets me further then 31 weeks and yes definitely exercising is always a good option, I’m still doing CrossFit just pregnancy friendly movements xx
@Charlotte crazy!! My little boy was in NICU for 4 weeks too! And only needed to gain weight and drink from a bottle! Our little fighters!! Thankyou so much ! Here for you too! Xxx
Hey I had preeclampsia to, but it kept being missed. (Don’t ask how was showing all the signs from 18 weeks) because it was missed I ended up having a placental abruption and I had my son via emergency C-section at 31 weeks. I’m on aspirin been on it since 9 weeks due to early onset preeclampsia, feeling good so far, got a really nice team at the complex pregnancy unit, midwives are way more on it this time and also have mental health midwife, with all that I feel much more calmer this pregnancy which I think is helping with the blood pressure.