No more ultrasounds 😢

Had a regular checkup appt today (33 weeks) after my 32 week ultrasound. She said I won't have any more ultrasounds unless baby seems to be measuring too big or small. I'm a little disappointed, as I'm pretty sure I had at least one more when we got close even with my second, but I guess that's good news overall. I will start having weekly non-stress tests at 36 weeks, but they're being scheduled alongside my other weekly appts, so it will basically just be extra long appts for that last month.
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I have to have a few more cuz my little man is big (33 weeks 3days)idk if I’m lucky or should be worried

I haven’t had one since 20 weeks. I’m 33 weeks, and they don’t plan on doing any more unless they’re worried about baby. I think it’s normal.

Yeah normally for my OBs office it’s only 2 ultrasounds the whole pregnancy. I got lucky and got a 3rd this time to make sure my placenta had moved. So it was fun seeing my baby girl one more time before birth!

@Jessica I had a 20 week one and he was way to active so they couldn’t get pictures of kidneys. Heart and all that. And he was measuring big. The next ultrasound to check if they could get them he was transverse, so they said they wanted to do one more time if he flipped I thought that was my last one. But nope I have 1-2 more because he’s running big. I guess I am not no in the norm group 😬

I had US on weeks 8, 14, and 23. Obgyn said there will be the last one between weeks 36-38. If you really want to see your baby again and can afford it, I would look into centers that do baby US (our nearest one does it for $40 for 5 min).

I have one more ultrasound at around 32/33 weeks

@Katya I didn't realize they did them that cheaply. I haven't looked near me, but I'll probably just settle for whatever they order through the doc.

@Chantal That sounds like my firstborn. She would NOT move to get the images they needed of her heart, so had to go back for those. Then there were definitely more toward the end. That was after a mc and before Covid though. Now I've had 2 healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies and it's a different office so their protocols may be different as well. I always welcomed any extra opportunities for imaging, but also appreciate the assurance that everything is going smoothly enough not to need them. ❤️

I haven’t had a scan with provider since my 20 week anatomy scan- and the next one is scheduled for 34-36 weeks (currently 31). I booked private ones for a peace of mind.

I had my last scan yesterday (32 weeks) and thought I’d have one more before delivery but got told the same thing - that was the last one before baby arrives

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