Help? Advice

Does anyone know how to get the baby moving when I go for a scan I’ve been for 3 so far and not once has this baby decided to move or show there face I’ve tried drinking coke and having a chocolate bar 15 mins before but still not moving I’ve got my gender scan tomorrow and just want to see 😂
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I was told fizzy sweets when I went for my gender scan for my firstborn! He was in an awkward position and she told me to go get some fizzy sweets and it did the trick!

I had multiple scans with my first pregnancy and they always made me do star jumps to get baby in position they wanted for scan seemed to work that and not having too full a bladder. I have also heard lucozade works tho not tried myself

pure apple or orange juice before your scan, also some fizzy sweets as Nire mentioned

I had a double mars bar before my 12 week could only force down one half of it though, but they still moved a fair bit ☺️

Apple or orange juice - try maybe 30 min before this time

Thanks everyone 💕

I was told to have a bit of a jiggle and a dance before going in ! 😆

I had a can of coke and fizzy sweets and baby didn’t stop moving so it worked 😂

@Berylann does this mean you know the gender 👀

@J I do baby boy 💙

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