I’m in the same situation I’m 37 weeks & being sent for my second GTT in 2 weeks Friday! Also have a growth scan & then consultant Monday!
Hey Becky, exactly the same happened to me! I spoke to a consultant who was pushing induction and I was really clear that I didn’t want that. She then referred me to the consultant midwife who spent loads of time with me and was so helpful and was happy for me to try and go into natural labour. they were still concerned about the size of my baby so I agreed to go for a c section if I went 10 days over. I got to 41+3 with still no sign of baby and went in for my elective c section. I really wanted a natural birth but the op was really quick and I have my gorgeous baby now, happy and healthy and that’s all that really matters! But I was adamant not to be induced and if you don’t want to be then you have every right to refuse! It’s totally your decision. If you feel like the consultants are pressurising you, ask to speak to the consultant midwife, you will likely be having a different conversation with her. Also my baby was not as big as they had me worrying, as is usually the case!
99th centile at 36 weeks scan (8lb4) and I've been told she'll be coming well 38 and I have to choose between an induction or elective section. Elective section it is. Completely normal GTT back in December but have been asked to complete 5 days monitoring due to her size
@Emma my hospital doesn’t have any 5 day tests, so have sent me for a second GTT in 2 weeks 🤦♀️ Was negative 2 weeks ago!
@Sarah honestly it has peeved me so much. My original tests came back normal, LO has been tracking large throughout (its not large abdominal cavity she's just all over big - has been at each scan- plenty of amniotic fluid etc) and I'm showing zero signs of GD. The diabetes referral team called me yesterday to say my GTT was borderline back in December (checked with midwife it wasn't) and as she's big they want to retest but reading Badger notes it was actually the sonographer that referred me (having seen a consultant on the same day who said she didn't think it was GD). (The sonographer on the other hand kept making comments about my weight, BMI etc....was not impressed (added insult is the fact I've gained all of 3.7kg this entire pregnancy) Also, why send you for a GTT at 39 weeks in your case? What's the point
@Sarah they offered me one again today. I refused. I had one 4w4 day ago, I was very low. I have a lancet testing kit at home, every time morning two hours, and one hour after food.. including very sugary treats, I’m miles below the thresholds
They told me my 1st was going to be 11lbs plus, had her at 41weeks and she was 8lb. I had a lot of fluid and believe me there was alot🫣they had to get the mop out😂 I had a natural birth by induction and wouldn’t have wanted it any other way… good luck to you and just do what you feel is right for you
This happened to me, baby boy was measuring on the 98th percentile pretty consistently throughout pregnancy, they estimated he would be 9lbs8 at birth. They offered me an early induction but I wanted to wait and see if I would go into labour naturally, waited until 40+5 then had a c-section. C-section was such an amazing experience, I was so worried about it at first and really wanted to go natural but decided it was safest for baby not to risk waiting or having an induction and going for c-section, and now wouldn’t change it for the world! If you want more in depth story of my experience send me a message, but honestly can’t stress how positive it was for us! Also baby turned out to be 8lbs9 at birth, so still considered fairly big for my size but not as big as expected!! x
@Emma that’s not on that they’ve done that! I’ve got referred for the 5 day testing by my midwife as had protein in urine again! Hospital said they don’t have kits so back I go tomorrow 😡 Also have another growth scan as babies tummy & my tummy measures big 🤦♀️ I was thinking surly too late now to do anything, I have an appointment with the c section consultant Monday. If I have diabetes that will have to be cancelled as will then be under the diabetes consultant. Can’t see how they will get me a consultant appointment that quickly!
@Becky maybe I should have done that! I had lots of protein in my urine, so my midwife referred me for the 5 day testing, even though I know my hospital don’t have any! So they booked me in for a GTT exactly 2 weeks after the last. I just can’t see how this late anything will be sorted! Even the midwife’s 2 weeks ago doing the testing questioned why I was there so late on in pregnancy!
@Sarah they just assume ‘GD!’ I hate blood tests so just refused. The kit I have is medical grade as my friend is a consultant in obs and gynae in London. She bought me it over Christmas as I was worried waiting on my official tests. I know 100% I don’t have it, yet they always push this route looking for an answer on why you’d baby is big. I’m 5’10 my husband is 6’4.. that could be part the answer x
@Becky @Sarah my nephew is type 1 so before my GTT my sister did a test on me too and flying colours I'm 5'4 and my partner is 6'2 (he was a 9lb baby) The only reason I'm doing this is well a) to prove a point that I'm not diabetic or prediabetic, and b) if they're trying to build up data as to why babies are in the higher centiles (i.e. to improve their data set and to improve their predictions in terms of weight/growth scans etc) then I don't mind contributing to that by providing a set of data contrary to their beliefs 😅
@Becky yes we are both tall. My son was 8lbs 10oz when born & they were worried he was going to be small 🤣 Every baby in my family has been big. I hate blood tests also & really dislike sitting in the hospital for 3 hours! Will be there for more like 5 as have a scan an hour after!
@Emma @Becky came back negative!!
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Funny that 😅
Mine is measuring 90th percentile but I wasn’t referred. I am 40 + 2 with no sign of baby. Second sweep tomorow.