Dating-Measuring moan

Hey ladies, I had a private 4D scan today which for the most part was lovely although little girl kept shoving her face into my placenta šŸ˜‚ the sonographer said her femur length is on the 5.8% percentile (head on 16th, AC on 40th) and that theyā€™ll need to keep an eye on that but again I find myself frustrated at dating and all these percentiles. When ttc I was ovulation tracking so know I conceived 4 days after where they put me on the 12 week scan, Iā€™d had two previous private scans that matched up with my dates too. Then today I turned exactly 27 weeks so little one is also being compared to a 27+6 day old, therefore is always going to be on the smaller side for 27 weeks. I have a scan every 3 Wednesdayā€™s for the rest of my pregnancy as my last pregnancy was complicated which again means iā€™ll be on +0 every time. Iā€™m just frustrated as they induced me early last time which ended in an emergency Csection because they said my son was too small, it turned out he was fine born 6lb2 at 38 weeks by my ovulation dates but 38+6 by theirs. Iā€™m just frustrated that iā€™m going to unnecessarily worry now, can anyone relate or have any thoughts? Hereā€™s my pretty girl all cosy šŸ„°
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I can totally relate! I was inaccurately dated at my 12wk scan so then at the 20wk scan baby was measuring on the 12th centile but going by my dates (which I'm dead sure of) he'd be 20th centile. That said, the centiles don't bother me too much - what does bother me is that they will insist on induction 3 or 4 days too early if the baby doesn't come before due date (I had a previous c-section and want to attempt VBAC) so the wrong date may have a direct negative impact on my labour... So I suppose the same worry as you have... As for the femur length, my LGs femur always measured <3% on scans (other measurements were much higher) and I was super worried she was going to have unnaturally short legs but she came out perfectly proportional so I wouldn't worry about it at all! Xx

Omg Iā€™m so glad you get where iā€™m coming from!! Thatā€™s what I mean something that is done so quickly is relied upon way too much and can have more serious consequences down the line! Ah thank you thatā€™s so reassuring!! Itā€™s all so silly isnā€™t it!

Thatā€™s so annoying! They measured me at 12weeks+ 4 days when I know I was on the dot 12 weeks at my scan. Itā€™s so frustrating. But with my first, they measured her femur length wrong the whole time. It wasnā€™t until I was 36 weeks that the consultant picked up on it because it had ā€˜shrunkā€™ and ordered a rescan. The whole time they were telling me she was going to be 9lbs+ which the consultant told me would be near on impossible for me to birth and carry, and when she did come, I was 39+4 and she weighed a tiny 6lbs 4oz šŸ™„ xx

Can relate! I had scans every two weeks with my boy as they said he was small. Had a horrific traumatising induction which ended up with a c section and he was completely normal sizeā€¦ Keep hearing people going through the same thing and having a terrible birth.

Oh my goodness it goes to show how often they get it wrong, to the point iā€™m surprised they are so drastic about their findings forcing early inductions etc when they must know theyā€™re often wrong! Iā€™m surprised the technology isnā€™t more accurate by now!

I think itā€™s so frustrating that healthcare professionals heavily rely on dates when your due date and all the dates, centiles, everything are ONLY ESTIMATIONS. The whole reason itā€™s EDD, ā€˜estimated due dateā€™. I appreciate they have to base it off something but I think they unnecessarily worry us because according to our ā€˜estimated due dateā€™ baby is measuring big or small etc etc. they also then put pressure on baby being ā€˜overdueā€™ when they actually might not be. Itā€™s hard to do but Iā€™d advocate for yourself and maybe refuse an induction if itā€™s not what you want or feel is right for you and baby. Itā€™s your right to turn things down, this is your body and your baby. Trust your instincts and what your gut is saying šŸ«¶šŸ» hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well ļæ¼

@Emily exactly! @Lor remember that no one can force you to have any medical procedure. Obviously it's really difficult when they are pressuring you and you may feel like you can't say no but you can always ask what would happen if you chose to wait. I was nearly coerced into a "just in case" induction at around 38 weeks and almost went along with it but then I said "hang on, what would happen if I waited a few hours for the consultant to come in and give a 2nd opinion" and they suddenly didn't have anything constructive to say. I only gave birth at 41+2, which by the way was another spiral of unnecessary interventions but that's a whole other story...

@Emily I find it crazy the rest of the pregnancy is based around the findings at the 12 week scan as both of mine have been incorrect, I get itā€™d probably cost the nhs too much to give more scans but maybe at the 20 week scan they should adjust the due date if it aligns more to your period dates etc because again from the 20 week scan in both I was told me little ones were small for their supposed dates šŸ˜‚ no youā€™re absolutely right the beauty of it being my second is I feel a lot more informed this time I have a lot more questions and feel more rights over myself and my baby! šŸ©·šŸ©·

Absolutely! We were actively trying to fall pregnant so I was tracking everything on the Flo app. When I had a positive test I was then able to track when we had conceived and calculated a due date of 28 May 2025. But NHS have dated me 6 June instead. Although only a weeks difference, it is so frustrating isnā€™t it šŸ˜’

A later due date is at least something that could be plausible to some extent. Mine is 3-4 days earlier than it should be, putting me in the territory of immaculate conception šŸ˜‚

@Chloe wow thatā€™s a huge difference though in terms of how they measure percentiles! But like Paulina said at least itā€™s possible as you can have delayed ovulation and implantation and all that jazz, mine would also be a miracle conception unless my man somehow managed to transmit his sperm to me via wifi or something šŸ˜‚

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