They cant do anything around that time. So its pretty routine to wait till 8-10 weeks
8-12 weeks is common. I’m also high risk, but with all of my pregnancies (8) my first pregnancy I had to wait til I was 12 weeks and with my current pregnancy it was 8. Different OB offices.
8-10 weeks is my experience. My last I was seen @ almost 6 weeks because I was bleeding a lot…so there was reason & concern for me to be seen earlier.
You can ask for HCG testing!
@Frankie I originally called my Ob office and asked for a blood test to check hcg. She said she would call me back and all they did was set me up for an ultrasound and follow up at 8 weeks and said it wasn’t necessary to get the blood test. I took another test this morning and my line was much much darker than 5 days ago so I think it’s safe to say everything’s going well so far!
@Brianne that’s great. Congrats!!
@Frankie thank you💗
It really depends on the doctor and how much they’re willing to work with their patients. I have a history of low progesterone and with my first pregnancy I was cramping and spotting non stop and the women’s hospital refused to check my progesterone. I got in touch with another doctor by the grace of God and she put me on progesterone before even checking my levels because of my symptoms. I ended up being on progesterone throughout the whole pregnancy because my levels were abnormally low the entire time. I still use that doctor now with my second and she checked my HCG levels right when I told her I was pregnant and for several weeks after to make sure everything looked good. If you feel you should have them checked don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, find a doctor that will listen to you and support you because you need and deserve that in your pregnancy. ♥️
I would call and say you are high risk and want to confirm pregnancy with hcg test . They should always test to make sure it’s rising esp when chemical pregnancies are very common