I told my Year 5s at around 16 weeks I think. I did a hangman to tell them. My class were so invested throughout my whole pregnancy! They wanted to know what size fruit/veg he was each week and we even did a gender reveal. Congrats 🥰
I told my year 4’s after 20 weeks we had just gone back after the second lockdown and I wasn’t showing until around 6 months so could have kept it until then but they were really excited once they knew. I had this class when I was in year 2 so I had them again in year 4 so was more special
I was pregnant when I taught year 5! Technically, I didn’t tell them I was pregnant I just told them at the end of the Christmas term that I was going to leave at Easter to have a baby. I was about 24 weeks. A big group of the girls chorused “we know!” 😂 I was massive!
Going to tell my year 3/4s after half term & feeling so nervous🤣 I plan to take my scan picture in, show them under the visualiser and ask them if they know what it is to start the conversation but I like the hangman idea above! I’m 24 weeks now so defo can’t get away with it for much longer
I had been at my 20 week scan that morning and my TA said to one of the chattier girls while others were listening, I wonder where Mrs Little has been this morning? Then their ears all pricked up and I showed them the scan. It was semi set up because I didn't like the idea of a formal announcement. They all just hugged me and starting making me keychains 🥲
I think I told my class before 20 weeks as I was starting to show! My head put it on the newsletter first and then I told them the next day 😊