My baby was just born in 1/16/25 at 37 weeks 1 day at less than 1 percentile. She weighed 4 lbs 3 oz. I was induced and had an easy labor and a vaginal delivery. She did the same thing on slowly dropping in percentile each time she was measured. We did spend some time in NICU due to her being below 2 kg which was my hospital's threshold for a baby's weight to avoid NICU. She did spend another 5 days in the hospital due to her being unable to regulate her body temperature on her own after leaving NICU. There was no reason found for my baby being IUGR, placenta and umbilical cord were normal. She's one month old now and doing very well and has gained 2 lbs.
@Alysa thank you for the kind words! I’m praying he catches up after he’s out, they’ve got me scheduled for 38w induction right now 🤞
@Kelli I’m glad your delivery went smoothly! I am hoping for the same as I’m scheduled for induction in 3 weeks. Thank you
Hi Kaylee! My story sounds just like yours and I want to give you some solace because I was terrified out of my mind when they told me my baby was IUGR. My baby was in < 1 percentile (she is now 20 months) for abdomen growth and at the 15% overall. They found out I had preeclampsia around 32 weeks and my baby wasn’t getting nutrition from my placenta. They made me have her at 36 weeks because my blood pressure would not go down. I ended up having a c-section and she was born about 4 lbs. she stayed in the NICU for 1 week and we brought her home. She’s such a healthy vibrant baby now and has no growth issues anymore she caught up literally after like 2 months. Don’t worry, they say these things and babies turn out just fine. I’m praying everything go well with you delivery, good luck mama!!