Hey. I have been experiencing reduced movements too and was told that if they continue I will get induced at 39 weeks. But why did they induce you? How was the baby doing at ctg
@Fatima baby was doing fine, but I’m on my 3rd time with reduced movements, I’ve had bleeding during the pregnancy, and I have group strep b, they offered for my induction to be brought forward as was already planned for 39 weeks anyway 🩷
My first pregnancy I was told I was going to be induced and then my little one ended coming naturally and they had to break my waters right before birth, I couldn’t have asked for a better birth either! Try not to worry everything will be ok! x
I’ve not had my waters broken as my induction failed & ended up with a c section so I’d just recommend trying to relax & think positively about it all. I know that’s easier said than done but maybe try & watch something you enjoy or listen to some music to try relax before you go. The midwives will support you, wishing you all the best.