How old is he and newborns should got 5-6 times a day but as they get older they will got once or twice my little girl goes about once a day and she’s 9 weeks old x
Is he still having plenty of wet nappies? It’s unusual that he goes if you give him expressed milk! Does he appear uncomfortable? My breast fed baby usually goes daily/2 x a day, we’ve had the odd occasion where he’s not gone for nearly 48hrs but that is the longest.
My little girl often goes 4 days or so without pooing and the health visitors said it’s all normal!! But if they’re uncomfortable definitely speak to someone about it
Exclusively breastfeeding and baby can go up to 6 days. At 6 week check doctor wasn’t concerned as no discomfort, recommend cooled boiled water to help him go but I’ve not done that ( have heard conflicting advice about this)
Hey! Just had exactly the same issue. The Gp said when exclusively BF from bottle or boob a week is within the normal range. He prescribed lactose to use if no change. We used it after 5 days (first time mum panic) in the evening gave 2.5ml and he did a big poo the next day. I’d wait until day 6 in future. It’s to do with breast milk having so little waste the body uses everything. As long as there are wet nappies, and baby isn’t stressed, don’t take any additional action until after day 6/ 7 - according to my GP.
** 8 week old baby
My phone is playing up - he will sometimes have a poo. I’m so confused why this is Anyone else the same?