@Francesca this sounds fascinating!! What an amazing job!! @incog I think it depends on what the names are. Sometimes it sounds odd, sometimes it flows nicely
I have a double barrel name but it’s pointless because no one calls me it 😂 my mum should have just used the second bit as my middle name .
wait omg what a cool job can i hire you lol @Francesca
@Francesca that's an awesome job. I'm the opposite trying to find an adoptive child when I'm bio mum x
My kids had one. It was very long. It confused people and didn't fit properly on to documents so we went through the legal process of changing it.
I have one. It's fine, I don't care either way. I understand why my parents did it. It means my name is entirely unique so I'm more google-able than I might prefer, but it is what it is
I double barrelled when I got married, but didn't hyphenate. I wanted to keep my maiden name. However because my husband's surname is easier to pronounce, that's what I often get called anyway
same as above, i double barrelled when we got married but no hyphen. my kids have the same too
not that I don’t like them I just always find that people will just use the first one rather than the second one when talking/addressing them, I see why people do it tho like if they want there child to have both parents surnames but me personally my sons just have mine
My partner has a double barrell last name but only uses his dads name. We are giving our children double barrel, as my last name is very special to me because its the only one but didnt wanna push my partner out by not giving the kids his last name as you would usually. But im more than happy for them to just use 1 name as they get older if they choose too. We didnt use middle names because of this to try help with the longness of the name 😅
I understand why it’s important for people to keep their surnames. I had no connection to mine and it didn’t really go with my husbands so I got rid of it, and now just have my husband’s surname.
My son has one because his father and I are not married and I wanted his name to have both our last names.
Where im from legally u have a double barrel last name lol. They do not ask you. I was gonna do it for my son but my man didnt want too😂
My maiden name was double barreled. Yea it was long but I liked it and never had any issues
I don't like them because they make my job much more difficult. I locate people, do their family trees and also locate biological parents of those that are adopted. And when people choose to double barrel it makes research more difficult 😆