Wild ONE
Carousel theme with pastel colors
We're doing Llama-palooza because the first stuffed animal she got attached to is a llama named Mr. Llama
Before I make a decision lol what month is your baby’s first birthday?
@Jessica May, my husband is thinking Star Wars theme 😂😂
@Jazmin that's adorable! Maybe a little Ewok outfit?
First trip around the sun is a good early summer theme too!!!
We did Alice in ONEderland (changed the name to my daughter’s)
I’ve seen One Sweet Peach.
We went to all inclusive holiday in Greece With a couple of friends And we had a lovely birthday there the hotel organised everything we also had foto shoot ( LG born in October )
We're doing a candyland theme
We had a cat theme as my little girl loves our cat and cat was her first word 😊
We’re planning. On doing “one-der mifflin” because their dad is a HUGE office fan.
We did 'Wild One', all zoo animal themed and green leafs etc 🙂
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We did One-der the sea and did a mermaid theme
We did One Happy Camper. Nature theme and he got a cake with a tiny campfire on it made of KitKats and pretzels and orange frosting!
We did SomeBUNNY is ONE
@Jazmin we did " ONE with the Force
My son’s first bday theme was a Star Wars had to use his name. Roman’s One with the Force. Since me and his dad are fanatics lol.
A friend of mine is doing 'One lucky ducky', she loves ducks🦆
I think the “actually this is my 1st rodeo” theme is very cute & funny