@Daniela her poop has always been light yellow and not so runny like that. So is watery and yellow-brownish
I asked the doctor cause my daughter did like a dark green & she said earth tones are good as long as long as it’s consistent to what your baby poops
@ASHLEY is she on formula at all? Or just breast milk?
She’s formula only
My baby only breastfeeds, and the doctor told me that sometimes the changes in poop are due to what one eats.
My baby’s Ped said this could happen during growth spurts… not sure how true that is 🤷🏽♀️
always contact your Ped if you’re concerned! 😊
My baby’s poop looks similar yellow and “seedy” (eww) that’s how the pediatrician describes BF baby’s poop. Ive heard almost all colors are ok, as long as they’re not black, white or has blood in it.. I’ve had green a couple times and not worried about it. Looks fine to me.
Hi 🤗, If that color is normal, when it is bloody, black or white, it is better to take it to the doctor.