How did you uncover CMPA

My 9 month old has eczema Dr said could be cmpa After discussing with a friend, my baby also has little green dots in her poop Is this an indicator ?
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Yes it is. If breastfeeding cut out dairy for 10 days and see how baby gets on, if you are bottle feeding try asking dr for prescription formula maybe? Not sure how it works with formula or what to buy tbh.

Do they have any other symptoms?

I wouldnt say it's definitely an allergy Green poo can be normal in babies but if it's not fully green I wouldn't be concerned about that It really depends on other symptoms as eczema can be caused by a number of things especially in this weather

It’s not green poo. It’s little green bits in the poo -

Do you have any photos?

How are you feeding? Formula or breast? I believe in bf babies it's to do with either foremilk or hind milk If Formula it's normal with reflux or comfort Formula But definitely try to get a photo of it as it can help to see if it's concerning or not as sometimes there's other indicators in the poop

We knew very early on because he reacted through my breast milk from about 8 weeks old. 8-10 weeks is when symptoms usually first appear. Eczema is often caused/worsened by it but not necessarily. Typical gut symptoms are very loose/mucus-y/frequent poos, sometimes with bright red blood in. I would be looking more at consistency than colour as colour can vary for lots of reasons. I don’t think specks of green on its own is an indicator.

I would ask your doctor if they could test a dirty diaper to see if it comes back positive for CMPA or soy daughter was diagnosed a little over a month old because they tested a dirty diaper I had just changed before they walked

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