My toddler has a tongue tie and a lip tie. It really depends on how severe it is whether it needs to be cut. I had a dentist recommend to get hers cut when she was a baby but I denied because she didn’t have a latch problem and wasn’t talking yet, so no concern about speech. She’s now almost 3 and talks fine. No lisp and eats/drinks just as regular as she always did. Go with your mom intuition.
Unfortunately lip (upper and bottom) ties and tongue ties are often left undiagnosed because it’s an area pediatrics still kind of ignores because medical school doesn’t dive deep into it enough. So it’s hard to say how common they are. If you think your son has one, advocate for him and get him checked out. Not every tongue or lip tie needs to be cut though. It depends on the child and the case. It is does need to be cut, it’s a small procedure and it’ll be fine.
^ this! no doctors at the hospital nor the pediatrician pointed out my son’s tongue tie… the specialist i went to said not necessary but my family friend who’s a family doctor said get a second opinion so i’m going to.
Idk how to tell if my baby is tongue tied. I’ve never seen him stick it out that’s my only concern he’s also 6 months. Is this a reason to make a Dr appointment? Anyone know
@Irene you can check with your pediatrician at your next wellness check. But also check that your pediatrician is informed and trained on lip/tongue ties. If not, they’ll refer you to an expert. If your baby has been doing fine so far then you’re good
My son had tongue tied and they told me they will cut it if requested which means it’s not a necessity. I had his cut because he was having latching issue. He was latching fine but my breast felt like it was cutting up. Tongue tie rubs in my family all of my siblings have it and myself. With the tongue tie he can out grow it 3/4 of my mom’s children outgrew theirs I still have mine and no problem. For the lip tie it looks very mild and sometimes can go away with time too but don’t have too much occurrence in my family where people had both. The choice is yours though. I know a lot of people may advice you to do it earlier because of the healing process. Heals faster the younger they are. Don’t get anxiety sweetie your baby is healthy and normal. A lot of babies are born with it more than it is talked about. The heavier the tongue tie just means to have grace with baby with stuff but you haven’t experience any difficulties so that mean light tongue tie. Sorry for the long message
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 they can’t diagnose it easily because if latching perfectly it’s hard to tell as baby grow tongue ties become more visible. The best person to diagnose a tongue tie and lip tie is a lactation specialist in the hospital because doctors don’t know how to point it out at early stages. As for pediatrician you have to ask questions about concerns before they bring up that possibility. What I realize when I ask my mom and saw in the hospital.
In my non-medical opinion and experience, go get it checked out. My son was lip, tongue, and buchal tied. My daughter was just lip tied. The tongue tie can affect speech. Also, my son's was so bad (the lip tie part) that it sucked his chin inward. The lip tie can cause dental issues depending on severity. Often, the lip and tongue tie come together. It's honestly a 5 minute procedure. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.