@Sam thank you!! How do you download movies or shows? I was definitely planning to play some Bluey or curious George because my LO loves it!
If you have disney or hulu you can download them from the app in the download section, but if its youtube- you can create an account for free and save them for later and it will pop up! For podcasts, i use apple podcasts and search kids and so many come up for music or stories. There are also some educational games I had saved on my phone for learning letters or coloring so it wouldn’t be a mess. And i had a backpack of toys because they will also play with them at the destination!
We went on a 14 hour road trip with two toddlers recently. Plan the trip ahead of time & find playgrounds or areas for them to get out for a bit. My kids watched some movies but stopping every 3-4 hours definitely did the trick on making it tolerable. Sounds like you’ll have plenty of stops!
@Camelia thank you!! 😊
Lots of snacks! They have travel potty’s so they can fold incase they get scared of being in a new potty. I hid some of there favorite toys so they kind of forgot about them for a week so when i brought them back out they got excited about a “new toy”. I downloaded kids podcasts and songs so they have something fun to listen to. If you allow some screen time, save some of there fav shows so you can also get a break during the drive. (I say download because for some parts of the drive you may not have service). Then you can look up on amazon and social media for travel or road trip essentials for kids! Helps give some ideas too