Big one, little ears will pop due to pressure I'm not sure if earplug are made in that size but try to get bby to suck n swallow. Safe travels.
Do not put your baby on the floor at the airport even if it’s on a blanket etc . The amount of bacteria an airport has is crazy it’s the #1 place for viruses that travel and spread quickly… don’t let them touch a bunch of stuff at the airport either. Make sure the tsa puts on new gloves if they need to search you or the baby for any reason..
Infant car seat in a stroller. It’ll be so easy. Then gate check both of them. Fans that can wrap around things for keeping cool. A couple toys for the plane. New ones so it can keep their interest a bit more. But they’re also just gonna like touching everything there and looking around. Snacks. Baby carrier. Hats. Sunscreen if you’ll be outside a lot. A blanket or like picnic map to lay on the floor of the airport so baby can play or crawl around while you’re waiting