
As a first time mum I’m wanting to go back to England with my little boy what would I need for him it’ll be my first time going on a plane with him heel be probably nearly 3 months old
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Honestly, not much. Travel in his pjs, take a blanket as it’s a bit chilly sometimes onboard, take extra clothes for you and him in case of 💩🤮 accident on the journey and pack as much baby stuff as you want in his onboard bag. Milk and liquids are exempt from the 100ml allowance and can go through. It’s also not weighed as it’s medically exempt

@Sarah thank you

Also feed him on take off and landing, it will help his ears x

I second the above plus advised on a type of Milton spray so if things get dropped on the plane can wipe and go ie put straight back in LOs mouth ... think it's called Vital Baby Aquaint Cleansing Water Can get on Amazon . This would be for dummies and any bottles etc. I'm planning to travel to NZ with LO at 8 months old .

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