I'm going to buy a puddle suit and probably going to make use of my tuff tray. Fill with water for him to splash in and he loves to splash and let him explore the garden, play tent, tunnel, blankey, books and just keep a close eye on his like I would in the house. Might just do a quick scoot around and pick up anything sharp etc
@Emm this is exactly what we did this afternoon, puddle suit and a picnic blanket 😂😂
We were outside today, LO was in a fleece lined puddle suit, and I had a picnic blanket down. I filled up a washing up bowl with warm bubbly water and just let her go to town :) she wanted to walk around so I had a quick check there was nothing nasty around and let her do her thing lol :)
I’m all for letting them go and explore as long as it’s safe - as long as he is warm and safe I don’t worry about mess or anything - I put him in shoes and snow suit or puddle suit depending on how cold it is and then just let him explore how he wants to - if he puts a leaf in his mouth or a twig I let him explore it as long as he isn’t biting pieces off - obviously stones/anything more dangerous I let him explore but stop him putting them in his mouth but he can crawl/cruise anywhere he wants in our garden etc if he goes in a puddle or plays with water we just always make sure we can get him changed and warm after - I think with having an older sibling aswell he wants to do everything she is doing so can’t contain him lol xx
Following as interested in this! My little one is in nursery and we have a puddle suit that they put on him then his fleece on top with a hat and mittens/some warm booties