Re-usable cloth nappies

Anyone tried them or considered them? Just wondering if anyone has tips or advice on what to buy?
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I like Nora nursery. Lot of bigger brands but they worked for me. I started off with prefolds and shells, but husband struggled and I didn't want to kill him do I ended up using pocket diapers. Imo prefold and shells age up better because you can buy more absorbing prefilled without the bulk of stuffing a pocket. Pockets are great tho. But if you don't intend to potty train by 2, go with prefolds. I didn't cloth diaper at night but all I hear ate how great wool covers are

we are considering so following for info 🩷

I have bought some and looking forward to trying. But I’m still expecting so can’t give much advice on the use of them yet. Following for those who have used them

My son has been using cloth nappies for a while now because he was a heavy wetter and none of the disposables were holding up.. he uses Little Lamb night nappies (which is a 2-piece system) and he also uses their pocket nappies with double and triple boosters. Before he had their pocket nappies he used little & bloomz pocket nappies which are alright but the fit can be a bit weird and the boosters are not lasting as well as little lamb but you don’t notice it until you try other brands. Another thing to consider is looking at your local council as they run schemes for trying out reusable nappies (that’s how I tried little Lambs pocket nappies and switched to them)

I love the idea of cloth nappies, when I was a nanny the kids had them for many years and I thought it was great. When having my first I invested in great cloth nappies but with such little support around the house I struggled to keep up with the cleaning of them. Used them for the first few months then struggled. I’m going to attempt them again with my second, I think having a proper laundry set up where you can soak the pooey ones and every second day maybe wash them all? I’m not sure what’s easiest and less time consuming 🤔

Yep I used them for 2yrs until he trained. Join some cloth FB groups, follow some cloth mums on IG. I bought 6 packs of 6 Mama Koala on Ama and my stash just grew from there, mainly MK. I did end up a swapping out the inserts for prefolds as inserts. And @Jess soaking is totally outdated it’s not recommended soaking these days for Mcn that have elastics and snaps- it’ll wear down those. A small hamper for a prewash pail and a bigger hamper for a main wash pail, prewash 1-2 days and main wash 3-4 days. Join Clean Cloth Nappies FB group they also have a comprehensive website to read, and detergent recommendations for your water type.

We've been using them with my LG for 18 months. I think they are easier than people realise. We've also had no nappy rash and you don't have to worry about changing size of nappies like you do with disposables, you can just adjust them. Also if they go through periods of heavy wetting you can add boosters etc. I'd really recommend the motherease brand we used tots bots and motherease. The motherease are slightly more expensive but dry so quickly and are less bulky. I'm expecting baby number 2 any week now and we don't need to buy any more nappies so it's definitely saving money. Also recommend the reusable baby wipes, they clean up much better than a disposable and it's just water on their skin. May be worth checking as som councils have incentive schemes with vouchers towards reusable nappies. Happy to answer any questions 🙂

We use them full time for our twins. I used them for my daughter too. I also run a nappy library. Happy to answer any questions if you want to message me

Thank you, I’m thinking to go to a nappy library maybe next weekend. Also hoping to my husband more on board as right now he’s really not keen and said he will only change a disposable and re-usable are gross!

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