My little ones poo has been green since pretty much the whole time and she's 11 weeks, she's on SMA anti reflux milk, been doctors multiple times in regards to it and they just say as long s she's happy in her self it's fine x
I was told it means they have wind
My lo has the same. I was told it’s fine and only be concerned if they get diarrhoea, red or white poo x
I was told green poo meant she was guzzling her milk too fast and it wasn't being digested properly. Mine happened after the 8 week jabs so I don't know if it's linked to that, too.
@Sophie my lo had her jab last Friday so maybe it could be related to that
My little girl has had green poo for weeks I took her to the drs and they done a stool sample and found nothing , what formula is the baby on? My girl is on part hydrolysed so it makes the poo go a different colour ! If you are worried speak with your health visitor or take photos and take the baby to the gp and do a stool sample x