The vaccine is not supposed to be given before one year old for a reason. Their bodies may not take it well. Your baby will be ok, just don’t go to big crowds & don’t let people you don’t trust hold him or her.
@Angela do you have a case study for the body not accepting the vaccine under 1 year? I’ve not heard this yet 😳
@Angela ohhh ok lol
I don’t live in an area where the measles outbreak is happening, but I try not to take her to places with many people to start. Basically just try to keep baby and her items as clean as possible and away from sickness.
I would not vax early,
Our pediatrician said that if we plan to travel to a hot spot or we start getting cases locally they’ll consider vax under 1year. If it’s offered we will be taking it, our son was born 6 weeks early.