I turn the shower on and get the bathroom warm and steamy and sometimes use a small radiator heater to make sure it’s like 80 degrees in there lol I also have a playlist and sing to her while I bathe her and she loves it. If my husband bathes her he doesn’t do any of that and she hates it, not sure if it’s the vibe I provide or just that she prefers me but I also don’t let the water pour over her face when I rinse her hair, I remember hating that as a kid so I don’t do it to either of mine and they’re always cool with bath time.
My son would cry, he hated it! My daughter loves it
It's a hit or miss for my daughter, I feel like if she's had a long day she doesn't care for her hair being washed and tends to cry but otherwise she scrunches up and giggles a little
I bathed my baby once before bed and it resulted in a total meltdown lol so I give baths in the middle of the day. Some babies get relaxed, others it works them up. Try doing it at a different time and see how it goes!