@Naomi The one we go to is tiny, I can see every bit of it whilst sitting on a table but some soft plays I would not let a ten year old run round by himself they’re like a maze 😂
To be honest, once they start wandering off doing their own thing, be prepared to hear them screaming as they get stuck or can’t get down etc. I took another year of waiting to hear the shouts and had to run in and find him 😂 when he got to about 4, he got much better at everything and didn’t need me for help
My son is 3.5 and has just started going in by himself because he says he doesn’t want to play with me anymore 😭😂 i just make sure I’m watching him and that he knows where we’re sat so he can find me and to shout really loud if he needs me as the one we usually go to is quite big x
I started letting my son go on his own with friends from around 4 years old, however I'll only let him in some as some are huge and I don't feel comfortable yet lol
My daughter is 4 is august and the chances of her allowing me to sit down is non-existent 🤣
I wouldn’t until minimum 4 when he’s gone to school unless it was a really small soft play and he was directly infront of me x
In an open plan type one 2.5 in a climbing type one my daughter was around 4 before she was even happy to play by herself in them x
we’ve just got back and he actually wanted me to play with him until he saw a girl who was older than him and he played with her, luckily it’s a small soft play so I could see him at all times and hear him. But thanks so much for the advice, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for him to be by himself in a massive soft play 😂
My son is 3.5 and I still get stressed I’m going to lose him in there!