Does anyone cloth diaper?

If you’ve thought about it, but aren’t yet, why not? It saves so much money!
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I probably would put more thought into it is my mother in law didn’t buy all my diapers.

@Rachel we do half and half and for that reason only. Our MIL has a monthly subscription for us. When we’re home and I feel like it/ no one’s coming over then I cloth diaper, when I feel lazy or we go out we use disposables. Any that he grows out of that we didn’t use I donate to the local diaper pantry- my MIL will even sometimes buy extra so we have some to donate.

I tried with my first, but post partum depression and anxiety made it too overwhelming. I felt like a failure. The financial aspect, the environmental impact, yadda yadda. But I've decided to unburden myself a bit because no consumption under late capitalism is ethical and no matter what I do, there's like 12 people on the planet who are single handedly ruining things for the rest of us, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I keep them as back ups just in case.

I just started about a month ago and I use cloth during the day and disposable at night. I love them theyre so cute an theyre way easier to use than I thought

I am a week postpartum and plan on using cloth diapers but wanted to get the hang of new born

Wow lots of posts on cloth lately have a scroll and you might find some of the other ones. Yes I’m a cloth mum since he was 6w I bought 6 packs of 6 Mama Koala (36 diapers) 70 cloth wipes and went all in, haven’t touched a disposable since (past nb I didn’t even know what size disposable he was, to even buy them) , he trained at 2y3m and he’s 5 now. Prints are super cute, no blowouts ever, size is adjustable as is absorbency is also adjustable. Love them. Can’t recommend them enough. I find the routine quite easy, prewash every morning and main wash on Day 4.

@Victoria~ they are way easier than I expected too! And you’re right, so cute!

@Sarah I waited until he was 2 weeks until I started! Definitely hard to do right away!

@Kellie yes the posts got me thinking lol! I agree. I can find no cons from the times I’ve used them other than one thing! I do have to say, I was not a fan of using them on the go. So I have always used disposables when we leave the house!

It’s funny you say that because my friend keeps some covers TO use them on the go, after her complaining to me about a blowout in her car seat I gave her a handful and even though she’s a disposable mum, she uses the covers esp when she goes out she thanks me all the time now for no more blowouts when going out haha it used to give her anxiety

Have you got any wet bags? That’s what we put them in when going out. Same print as the diapers, usually large and double zip is what we use but they come in all sizes

@Kellie yes we do have wet bags! I just struggled cause he’s EBF, so he poops a bunch and i can’t rinse it on the go, and if I put it in the bag then either the diaper bag or the car smell like sweet poop lmao

I used cloth with my second born and now again with my 7 month old I love them! I use a wet pail system and have had zero stains and stinks. Hubby hooked up a sprayer in the bathroom so that I can spray the poo off in the toilet, then they soak in 5 gallon buckets with a little tide until wash day.

I do but it’s a lot of work in comparison to its alternative however it’s more cost effective and there are other benefits as well

We rent an apt and don't have our own washer. We suck at keeping up with our laundry. We only do laundry once a week, sometimes every 2 weeks. I wouldn't be able to stay on top of washing the cloth diapers. Honestly tho, we did a diaper raffle at our baby shower and didn't have to buy diapers for the first 4 months. And even after that, the grandparents like buying him stuff and will sometimes find the the big boxes on sale and we've probably only bought diapers 4 times in 10 months.

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@Jayliz if you are in a new place for the next baby and have your own washer you can attempt it then. Many cloth mums will say that using cloth will force them to keep on top of all their other laundry and that’s true for me I never had an overflowing basket when I was washing cloth. Now that he’s trained, and I’m not washing anymore diapers, the mountains are back again. So washing cloth ironically keeps us on top of our other laundry because I’m already taking the diapers out daily, at that point I open it take it out and if I see a full basket of clothes I add that in coz the washer door is already open, I’m already there. So a load goes in I add powder push play and walk off.

@Kellie definitely. Hopefully we have one by then lol. I just have to load it up into a cart, load up the baby either strapped to me or in his stroller, and head to the other side of the building on the second floor to do laundry currently. But with the next I want to try.

I've been cloth diapering for a little over 2.5 years, since my first was born, and 2 in cloth diapers since my 2nd was born. It's a lot of work, but I love it! I love the prints and being like "she was wearing this diaper when she stood up for the first time", etc. I also got some duplicates so they can be in the same print together ❤️ I could talk and talk about cloth diapers and how much I love them.

I was debating before I gave birth but I ended up using disposable diapers. It’s so much easier. Pee would be easy but poop I don’t want to deal with.

@Sarah congratulations on your new baby! I hope you and baby are doing well!

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