Haven’t tried rascal, parasol or Coterie I would love to hear specific opinions about those!!! Good or bad reviews!!
I refuse to buy any cheap store brand , honest, hello bello or Luvs, I think those all suck. We have the most blowouts with all of those. And they don’t absorb well at all. And most of them seem so uncomfortable.
We used to use pampers, but they’re too expensive compared to the Sam’s Club members mark dupe! We LOVE members mark diapers. They don’t really differ from pampers, at least not to us. Amazingly absorbent, stay on well, and we haven’t had any blowouts (except when the stomach bug came through the house 😵💫)
@Taylor I wanted to love Sams club, because the members mark wipes are our favorite! But the diapers are just terrible. He leaked every single time!!
Huggies for diapers and Millie moon for pull ups.
Target brand
@incog they do have the best wipes 😂 I’m sorry the diapers didn’t work for you guys! It’s crazy how different diapers are on each baby/toddler
My husband and I used huggies wipes before baby and continued to get them for her... and since we had huggies wipes we just did huggies diapers too
We switch between Pampers or Huggies depending on if there's sales. We tried saving money with store brands but they're just not as good. Pampers are slightly larger. For example, my son had almost grown out of Huggies size 4 but still fit Pampers size 4. But Huggies are more absorbant. The Huggies Plus are stretchy, fit better, are super absorbant, and have nice gussets that keep blowouts to almost zero.
None 😂 cloth for me. I’ve only tried one brand sposie and that was Huggies and that broke his skin red and raw so I switched type and his skin got much better from there on.
I’m in the UK and Tescos own brand (supermarket) Fred & Flo is best
We cloth diaper. When we do use disposables, we use a carbon neutral Finnish brand called Muumi Baby (or Moomin Baby)
We tried sooo many different brands. The only ones that don't make her red and rashy are Tesco's Fred & Flo nappies
I personally love Huggies the most because they absorb the absolute best, we never have blowouts and they seem comfy. Millie moon is my second, those seem SO comfy! Pampers are my third.