Carrier for chunky baby?

Our LO is 16 weeks on Monday but he is quite chunky and weighs 17lb. We have a 4 way carrier (not sure of the brand) but he absolutely hates it. It says it’s for children up to 32lbs but the space for the body and bum seems tiny and he screams as if he’s squashed when we put him in. Any suggestions of good carriers for bigger babies…? Thanks!
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I have a Tula explore. They reckon it goes up to 45lbs.

I'm in the process of trying out some different carriers from my local sling library. The lady that runs it really rates the Tula Free2grow, so I'm thinking about getting on of those. Deffo recommend locating your local sling library, as you can try out carriers quite cheaply and get fit advice as well.

I have a chunky baby boy too I use the mom cozy carrier and it’s very comfortable doesn’t put any strain on my back x

I have an Izmi carrier and find it super comfortable for my 16lb girl. We had an Ergo 360 for our son and it’s definitely not as comfortable as I remember 😂

momcozy! x

I think mine is called Infantino 3in1

My boy is a fatty and we have the Baby Bjorn One carrier and it’s great because it has the waist band which distribute the weight. Had one with my eldest too and used it until she was into toddlerhood x

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