What is an acceptable time in the morning to let your toddler play in the garden?

How early is acceptable to let you toddler play outside in the garden (neighbours both side) one side has children 10yrs plus and the other side doesn’t have small children! My little one loves playing outside and now the weather is getting nicer just wondering peoples thoughts on how early is too early 😆 As a child we wasn’t allowed outside until about 10am especially on a Sunday 🤣
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9.30 ‘rule’. Wouldn’t expect anyone to cause much noise before 9:30am or after 9:30pm on a regular basis. There’ll be exceptions - birthday parties etc but on the whole that’s what we try to stick with.

Id say 8am on weekdays but 10am on weekends

but also I think people should work around children more then us working our children around people, such a precious stage of life

9/9:30, depends how noisy your kids are I suppose 😂

It’s 9:30 am and we are just heading out to the garden to play now.

I was out at 8.30 hanging washing out and she was playing. Not being excessively loud

I would say 9. Depends how loud they are too I guess. Just general playing I think wouldn’t disturb anyone before then, but if they’re like shrieking or shouting then that’s different. We had neighbours with a special needs child who would be in the garden from like 7am and screaming, but felt we could never complain because of his disability 😅

I'd probably say 8am to be honest, like a lot of campsites

tbh! it’s our home…anytime they’re awake and it’s SAFE! i.e. not too dark, cold or hot! appropriate clothing for weather. imo neighbors are aware they’ll live next to children, the council and housing/landlords don’t even take noise by children into consideration for noise pollution! if neighbors genuinely don’t like it, they need to move to a child free housing arrangement such as a detached house. no one around.

I'd say 9.. maybe earlier, depending on what they're playing/doing. Unless they're banging on pots and pans waking the street up, I don't see why people would mind 😂. When I worked in a breakfast club, we would be outside at 8am, just nothing too loud

As long as she’s not screaming and shouting, which if she’s playing on her own she won’t be then I have no issue with her going out there as soon as it’s light

7am is when noise abatement stops so if someone is allowed to start drilling in the road at 7am I don’t see why a kid can’t play in their own garden from then! If your neighbourhood is quiet, maybe 8am but our neighbours are usually up early, mowing, hammering, having blazing rows so a toddler playing is nothing compared to that 😂

I'd say 9am if they're being noisy, otherwise any time!


My neighbours are arseholes who get their strimmer out at 8am on a Sunday, so I'd happily let my noisy toddler out at 7am, zero fucks given 😅

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