In hindsight my post may have come across hypocritical and biased I could have worded it better. it makes it no better how bias the industry is and how they can manipulate data to push a narrative. For me I want to make a choice on all the information not just information that suits. Missing data is common in the medical world which is shocking And if us parents were so aware of all the information that we are given why do so many come on this app and ask questions about whether other parents have vaccinated their kids or if they have suffered any side affects Etc which 9/10 times people will reply with oh my child had it and I’ve had it and we’re ok when that might not be factually correct or a good enough answer to accept. I have studied both sides for some years and it’s always been a sensitive topic which I understand why but there needs to be more discussion on it and more transparency when it comes to giving out information to parents that’s all
I'm not anti vaxx either & I don't think that we do have the full information surrounding vaccines. We don't even get to see the leaflet {unless we search for it}. There's no real informed consent & if you don't vaccinate your child its classed as 'neglect', which I disagree with. Cognitive Dissonance comes to mind within this subject.
@Sarah🦄 agreed! We are literally told when to come for the appointments and that’s it and they are quick to label it neglect but fail to give us the full picture in the first place. There was a comment made earlier which since has been deleted basically saying this post was irresponsible and hypocritical and not take advice from people who are anonymous on this app and people should seek advice from medical professionals which shows how deep the problem is. I choose to remain anonymous because I can’t be bothered with the backlash that comes with going against the grain and questioning things, not everything out there is for our best interest we need to remember that unfortunately. These discussions need to be had and we deserve to have the full picture about what we are giving to our children why should it be any other way
Anti vax or publishing information that is not common knowledge? Some of which have come from medical professionals themselves I think parents have a right to know the other side of it. The pharma who manufacture these products are able to run several trials and then only publish what they see fit which is even censored for the healthcare professionals. It’s also proven that that there has been many cases of manipulation of the data which can be found online I’m not an anti vaxxer by all means and there are some great aspects that have helped in healthcare but parents have a right to know all of the information to make informed choices Where there’s people making money and a lot of it from these drugs u always have to question the integrity not to mention the amount that is on offer these days for our children compared to 20 years ago