If I say no, I mean it and won’t cave in. I always try to explain everything, if she is upset then we will have a chat after and she is pretty receptive to this! We talk feelings a lot too, especially characters in books. If she is point blank ignoring instructions then I give choices, count to three and if I get to three I stop whatever activity she is doing like removing her toy and then she does whatever it is (usually works by the time I’ve said one) she also loves this silly ‘puppet’ I call Shaun (idea from bluey)😂 it’s literally my hand made into a bird but she will do anything ‘Shaun’ tells her to do and is useful for roleplay, e.g. ‘Shaun’ might snatch a toy, not share, speak rudely etc but really helps her understand right from wrong. For example it got her to eat her breakfast today before having to rush out rather than her continue whatever she wanted to play after me asking her to eat about 100000x times and just encouraged her to brush her teeth before bed.
Thank you so much! This is super helpful. We do talk a lot about his feelings and his actions and behaviour but sometimes I think he needs specific things. I try to give choices as well but a lot of the time he just says no to either 🤦♀️ I'm quite good myself at sticking to the boundaries, I think it's hubby and grandparents who I need to train 😂
@Caroline I'll check this out. Thank you!
Sticking to your guns is the biggest battle enduring the tantrums that follow but it sounds like you’re doing fab!! If my daughter says no to choices then I choose for her and say that I will do that when giving her the choices which usually spurs her on to make a decision. Just helps her understand that it is going to happen regardless of her answer but she can have some control if she chooses
Have you tried following biglittlefeelings on instagram? Some really great advice on there.