My little girl had a high temperature with her 8 weeks and 16 week vaccines and when I gave calpol she would just projectile vomit all her milk up, that last around 2 days She has just had her yearly vaccines and I was worried about giving calpol, but gave it a try. No temperature and no vomit. She probs didn't have a temp as she actually got the calpol haha. I know you've had a bad experience with them but have you spoken to you HV or Dr about the next lot to see what they say xx
@Cal thanks for your response! If being vaccinated doesn’t stop the transmission of the viruses, how does non vaccinated people impact the health of others? Hope that doesn’t sound like a dig, it’s a Genuine question! But yeah il do more research before making any big decisions! X
@Leanne I spoke to consultants in hospital when my little boy was there and as imagined, they responded saying I need to get his vaccines otherwise he could get poorly and end up in hospital (even though having the jabs had the exact same outcome 🙄). I don’t feel like they really listen to worries and instead just say you need to vaccinate, end of! Xx
That's really annoying, isn't it. Suppose there is no harm in trying to speak to them again It is a really hard decision to make, especially when he has been poorly with the others. Are these going to be the 16 week ones? Xx
Because viruses can mutate. That’s why there’s a flu vaccine each year & also why there were numerous Covid ones. Also vaccines aren’t 100% effective but the more people that have them the more likely diseases can be eradicated for those most at risk. I think it was Polio that was nearly eradicated but has come back due to people no longer vaccinating?
@Leanne yeah I think I will do, hopefully they actually listen to me and don’t just shoot me down instantly! But no it’s going to be the 12 week ones! Xx
Re him getting poorly, yes it’s terrifying but what could have happened if he had whichever illness put him there? If he had a severe reaction to it (not sure which are live viruses - know chickenpox one was ) then could the real illness have been far worse? Worth having a constructive conversation with the people treating him. They can’t expect after such a scare to just give a blanket response and not expect some hesitation and questions.
I’m 100% against after my child was vaccine injured and he also stopped breathing for a while after the MMR and that’s when things changed for us and him more importantly, I learnt the hard way, a very different child after. I wish I followed my gut back then. I’ve just had another baby and he is completely unvaccinated and he is my healthiest child and doctors have also commented on how healthy he is. It weirds me out how people say “oh they will be fine, they just had a high temperature, puked and didn’t sleep for hours or eat (aka got a reaction) but give them calpol and all is ok”. Mask the issue. I’m not even digging people out because that’s how I was back then but now I find it all very strange. It’s not ok that babies change their behaviours after the vaccine and it shouldn’t be acceptable to deem it normal. After my child was injured I did my research and the cons outweighed the pros. Side note: if the product worked there wouldn’t be an “anti-vaxx” movement.
@Danielle this seems to be a very common response I’m getting from friends and other mums, especially from the MMR, I’ve had friends children have seizures etc following that vaccine. it’s sad really that it’s seen as ‘normal’ reaction😩 But yeah i think after having him in hospital from jabs that are supposed to help him, it’s just made me very wary about what I’m putting in his body. So many chemicals all in one sitting 😩 I’m so sorry this happened to you and your baby though! Xx
@Danielle nothing is perfect. People die of allergies to food. People die in car crashes or all sorts every day. Etc etc. All anyone can do is research things (properly) and do what they feel is best. This parent had the opposite to you.
@Cal if I have had a child affected though then I’m not going to take that risk am I. As I have stated my other unvaccinated child is the healthiest of all my children, I have heard and seen too many horror stories which has lead me to making the right choice for my children. I have done my research properly. I’m extremely confident with the decision I have made. Again like I say the risks out weigh the benefits. How do we know that the parent in the article you’ve posted about her child didn’t die from a vaccine injury? more people have died from the vaccine than the actual disease itself. Also no offence but the bbc are the biggest pushers and manipulating msm going. On this one I’ll go by my own REAL life experiences.
Completely agree with what you have said, I’m sorry your baby got a reaction too. It’s not normal and people should definitely listen to their gut. My other child also used to get seizures and the doctors could never pin point the issue. I did a metal detox on my children that have had it to get rid of some of the toxins. It’s up to you what you do next but you can also wait it out if you can’t decide now, never feel pressure to do it right away. All I’ll say is the ones that are usually for the vaccine are very aggressive and patronising when most of the time they get their information off of msm. There are so many genuine amazing scientists that have been threatened and blacklisted from speaking up, so many hidden lawsuits that you have to really dig to find. Watch “a shot in the dark” by Candice Owen’s. Hope your baby is ok. Xx
It’s your choice. Mine have all been vacccinated. Having spent my 20’s working in Aid management in some of the poorest places in world and seeing thousands of children in hospital with preventable diseases. And mothers walking 100 miles to get there kids vaccinated I would personally never not take up a vaccine. I don’t judge I just don’t wish people would do their research on actual validated clinical research, not some guy ranting on social media about bad pharma 🙄
@Cal I think you need to be a bit more mindful about the articles you put in the chat. This is anxiety provoking and could really scare new mums You should allow everyone to go on their own research rather than putting in a fear provoking article that strengthens your one way belief
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@Naomi I would also like to state my research was from valid sites like children‘s health defence and ONS to name a few ☺️ do you know them? Would they be suitable in your opinion on research 🧐 may I ask where you did your research? Did you know that the vaccines in the poor countries have crippled children? Oh and definitely sounds like you do judge by your sarcastic little comment about getting research off of some dude online. No offensive at all but comments like that really sound brainwashed. I have two valid reasons not to vaccinate and that is my own children. Now go stick the news on 😉
@Naomi just as I thought. Thanks
@Ama not sure how it scares people more or less than the OP who’s posted about a vaccination hospitalising her child? Not a one way view at all. My colleague died from the first covid vaccine. Just something that the OP needs to be research from official sources and decided on an individual basis. As Danielle has done. Everything in life comes with a risk. Just about deciding which is the lesser of two evils.
@Cal this is getting boring now 😂 I have clearly stated where I have done my research and I have clearly given examples of the reasons I have chosen not to vaccinate any of my children anymore. I have been vaccinated as well as my two children so at one point or another I was all for the vaccines, it took for my own children to be disabled from taking the vaccine to come to the decision that I have, it just isn’t worth it. This isn’t about car crashes or food allergies this is about taking the vaccine, where there is a risk there must be a choice, without judgement, it’s so immature. You definitely should be way more sensitive before making assumptions. You should do more research and you shouldn’t be so biased yourself. In regards to the Covid vaccine my dad also died of a heart attack with that one so don’t even get me started on any of these vaccines like big Phama doesn’t make profits and then even more profits when people need a life time of medication. Please 🙃
@Danielle And I said that people should do research as you have done 🤔
@Cal 🤦♀️ I’m soo sorry, been a very long day. I’m off to make some dinner 😂
Well yes & no. People who aren’t vaccinated also impact the health of others. However that aside… We did all but not the second Rotavirus. He was really poorly off it and the second only gave a 6 or 7% increase in protection so we didn’t feel it was worthwhile. We have however paid £150 to get the chickenpox vaccine. I’d do your own (legitimate site) research on effectiveness levels of each vaccination and risks if you don’t.