Silent Reflux &Gaviscon
Going through a rough patch with my baby girl, she is 7 weeks and never seems happy/ relaxed after a feed. She is EBF, I wind her/ keep her upright etc after a feed but honestly she next falls asleep or relaxes. I spoke with the doctor as thought it could be silent reflux as we get crying/ fussing/ arching back. They have prescribed Gaviscon. We gave her 1 sachet today and she seems worse than ever.
Does anyone have similar experience? Or found it takes time for the Gaviscon to help?
Many thanks
I found the gaviscon actually made my little one worse. I cut out dairy from my diet and it’s massively improved my little one’s mood as we were in the same boat as you. He’s also been put on dairy free formula as we are querying a milk allergy. Could be a possibility your little one has an allergy/intolerance to dairy too.